Dingo PL11
Str: 16 (+3), Dex: 20 (+5), Con: 17 (+3), Int: 12 (+1), Wis: 14 (+2), Cha: 13 (+1) Total: 31pp
Base Attack Bonus: 5 Melee: 8/10 (with schicks) Ranged: 10 Total: 15
Base Defense Bonus: 5 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +22 / +23 (with schticks) Initiative: +5
SAVES Damage: +3/7 (evasion) Fort: +3 Ref: + 12 (lightning reflex) Will: +2
Powers: Super sens +10 [extra: super strenght +5 (flaw: skills only), extra: super dexterity +5 (flaw: skills only), extra: telescopic hearing +2, Source: mutation; Cost: 32pp.)
Total: 32pp
Devices: Walter PPK [weapon +5, feature: spring loaded* ; flaw: device; cost: 6pp]
Jo Schtick [weapon +5, extra: pair*, feature: parrying*, feature: accurate*; cost: 14pp]
- From Gimmick's guide to gadget
total: 20pp
Attack Focus (schitcks), Dodge, Expertise, Lightning Reflexes, Evasion, Two weapon fighting, Ambidextry, Track, Scent, Endurance, Talented (move silently and hide), Skill focus (survival)
Cost: 24pp
Acrobatics +12, Balance +11, Climb +11, demolition +2, disable device +3, disguise +3, escape artist + 11, gather information +3, Hide +15, jump +9, Listen +14, Move Silentely +15, Open Lock +14, search +2, , Spot +14, survival +10 / +20 (when track) Total: 34:P
Weakness: One Eyed (2pp) Loner (2pp) Disturbing (2pp): animal face Unluck