DissidiaTemplar West Marches/SamplePartyMember

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Sample Party Member Background:

Who are you back home?

Why are you here?

What is your relationship to three other party members?

What is your character's goal in life, think long term?

Homeland: Where did you come from?

Race: What are you?

Parents: Who were they?

Parent Occupation: What did they do?

Siblings: How many and what kind of family do you keep?

Birth Location: Where were you born?

Birth Event: What happened when you happened?

Childhood Event: What happened in your youth?

Class Initiation: What made you what you are?

Class Trial: What happened where your skills in your specialization were realized?

Occupation Event: What happened that affected you’re life and occupation?

Influential Associate: Who was there with you?

Conflict event, subject and motivation: What event set in motion you’re character’s travels?

Romantic Relationships: What is love to you?

Party Relationships: Who do you know around the party?


Character sheet link