DnD Desert Raiders Campaign critt miss

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1: Your attack is executed in such a clumsy way that you end up hitting yourself or the person who is in combat with your intended target. If there is nobody in combat with your intended target you will hit yourself. This attack will deal full damage but can’t bring the recipient below 0 HP.

2: Your attack is executed in such a clumsy way that you end up hitting yourself or the person who is in combat with your intended target. Your attack however will not hit the recipient for as much damage as the normal attack would do, since you do not hit any vital spots. This attack will do 50% damage, rounded up but can’t bring the recipient below 0 HP.

3: Your attack is executed in such a clumsy way that you end up hitting yourself or the person who is in combat with your intended target. Your attack however will not hit the recipient for as much damage as the normal attack would do, since you do not hit any vital spots. This attack will do 25% damage, rounded up but can’t bring the recipient below 0 HP.

4: You trip over your own legs or over something in your surroundings and fall to the ground. If your attack was executed while flying, you end up getting either dirt or an insect in your eyes which will hamper your navigation and cause you to fall down a maximum of 30 feet.

5-9: You trip over something but manage to recover yourself from falling. If this attack was executed within melee range you will trigger attacks of opportunity from people who threaten you. If you attacked with a ranged attack you will lose your move action in that turn, or if no move action is remaining, you will lose a move action in your next turn.

9-12: Weapon attack: Your weapon slips from your hands mid-attack and ends up somewhere (or in something) 10-60 feet away (DM can roll D6 for this). Ranged magical attack: Your spell backfires in such a way your focus is interrupted. You cannot cast any spell during your next turn. Unarmed attack: You dislocate your arm (or something else if you have no arm). Recovering from this takes a standard action which will provoke attacks of opportunity.

13-15: Weapon attack: Your weapon drops from your hands and ends up in your square. Magic and unarmed: You are so shocked about the terrible way you executed your attack that you will still be pondering about it afterwards. If you still have a move action left in this round, you lose it, if you have none left, you lose a move action in your next turn.

16-17: Melee: You just pay no attention to your surroundings and end up swinging an arm/head/leg into someone else who is within 5 feet of you other than your intended target. Ranged attack: You hit something else in your surroundings, for instance a rock, and the debris will hit someone who is within 5 feet of your target. The recipient will be hit by without any modifiers for 1D6 non-lethal damage in both instances.

18: You are distracted by something/someone mid-attack and simply forget to connect with your target.

19: You have to sneeze and end up doing so while attacking. You miss your attack but if you are within 5 feet of your intended target you end up sneezing in his face or the face of any other person who is in combat with your intended target. If the person getting sneezed on has eyes, and is the same size or one size catagory smaller, that person will get a DC12 reflex save or be blinded for 1 round. If the save is failed, the recipient can however use a move action at the start of his/her/it’s turn to end the blindness. This will trigger no AO’s.

20: Your attack is executed in such a pathetic way that your intended target and everyone 30 feet around your target must make a DC14 willsave or burst out in laughter, losing all actions for 1 round, is considered prone for the effects to AC, but is not considered helpless. Opponents with an intelligence score of 6 or less are not affected.