Dnd the army campaign Tom Bombadil journal

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Day 1[edit]

Its dark in here, and small. A mere 5ft to any side of me is a dark stone wall. I make a round trough the chamber to scout my new surroundings. It seems that I was wrong at first thought. One side of the room is a large wooden door. Outside I can hear a fight going on. Am I a prisoner? How was I captured. I remember celebrating out last victory with some of my fellow freedom fighters. There sure was allot to drink.

What happened to the guards? How come there was no warning? No one ever gotten within a mile of the village without us knowing it.

The door opens and a bright light shines inside. It takes me a few seconds to get switch from my dark vision to normal vision. Getting used to the light I see two large shadows looking down at me. Holding the door is a githzerai wrapped in bandages with next to him is a ugly looking dwarf.

Looking out of the doorway I could see a large desert landscape with a pile of bodies. From what I could see they used to be a flying sphinx and some gobelinoids. The dwarf and the githzerai introduced themselves as Wong and Billy.

Seeing as I don’t know anything about this place and these guys aren’t to smart anyway I might as well travel with them. Maybe they will slow down any enemy enough for me to escape.

Seeing as I don’t want to reveal to much of myself yet I decided not to ask them to many questions why they are here.

As I was regarding my new allies I saw that the wall behind me was no longer there. Having the feeling that something wanted me to go in I was reluctant to obey.

However, both Wong and Billy seem to be determent that the only way out was inside and I had no intention of crossing a unknown desert by myself.

Moving silently through the dark tunnels I became all too aware that my new allies weren’t of the stealthy side. It wasn’t as bad as those knights I heard of but it sure wasn’t the way of the ninja eider.

Not far inside I could see an creature standing guard in the side of the room. It was an salt-mummy. An undead creature that can drain a man to desert dust.

I send my illusory self into battle to keep it distracted, before I knew it Wong had jumped forward and started to wrestle with the mummy. Billy took the more careful approach and started to range it from a small distance.

After grinding the mummy to dust I searched the rooms and found a secret stone door.

Behind the door was a narrow hallway that split into two. Waiting for us where two more salt mummies.

Wong pint one to the ground while Billy prevented the other one from getting near me. I was able to prevent some blows on both of them with some sacred protection fields.

Fist flying and spells shooting we were able destroy the guardians of this tomb. Searching there bodies I found a few coins and some used and smelly loincloths, I was able to convince the others it was magical and Wong pocketed it with pride. This should show them they can trust me. I just hope he forgets that I lied when he trees to sell it later. I feel kind of sorry for the shopkeeper.

Mending their wounds we were ready to set off again. I could see Wong talking to his ring. He was requesting an pickup from someone, this is my chance to get out it seems.

To Inpatient to wait they set off to explore the dungeon. I better go with them or I might end op staying here forever. It seems this place was pretty big. Both hallways lead to the same place. Along its walls where 3 heavy stone doors.

Breaking the doors where not an options. After a few good hits from everyone they weren’t even scratched.

In one door I found a weird mechanism that might help to open it. After some fumbling I was able to open the door. At the same time a strong vacuum tried to suck us in. Billy was far enough to be bothered an I was able to hold on to the floor just in time. Wong however wasn’t so lucky. With an smooth and drunk motion he was sucked into the room.

From inside the room we could hear him scream and fight as if his live depended on it. It took me a few treys but I was able to open the door again and Wong jumped out, at the same moment however I lost my baring and was sucked in the room in his place.

Before me stood twice as large as me another salt mummy, this one hover didn’t look like the guards we fought before. This looked like someone who had earned a place on the top by his combat skills.

He spotted me and hit me hard. I knew I could not take another hit like that. I also was aware that needier Wong or Billy would be able to breach the complex mechanism of the door.

In the distance I could see three more stone slaps starting to move and the unmistakable hand of an salt mummy sticking out of one. There was no time to linger here, this is going to get bad soon.

I used one of my spells to become invisible for a short time and was able to breach the mechanism of the door.

Jumping out of the room the door slam shut again with and bang. Behind it I could hear the mummy starting to hit the door.

It wasn’t long before the door started to crack so I ran behind Billy and heal myself.

Wong however had a different plan. He was able to talk us into reentering the room to collect the mummies treasure. I should have known better then to listen to a drunk dwarf but I didn’t want to risk missing this pickup that they had arranged to happen. I don’t think that their allies will take me with them if I show up alone.

So I summoned my illusionary servant and blessed the others with some extra sacred protection and opened the door once more sending us into the room. Wong ran as an insane rhino to the middle of the room and started to attack the first mummy he saw. Two more mummies started to surround him and Billy went to give him a hand.

I stayed near the door and half hidden behind a coffin. While my illusionary servant guarded in front of me. From here I shot waves of energy into the mummies to break them down.

Wong having an hard time with tree mummies on his hand retreated to behind me. His mummy attackers following him tried to attack me.

I was able to make them belief that I was just an illusion and that my illusion was me and avoided most attacks. I tumbled and teleported to a saver location behind Billy and cast as fast as I could. With only two mummies left and only Wong nearly dead we were winning the battle. Wong took one last swing at his enemy and jumped on a coffin. The mummy followed him and hit him hard in his neck, sending him flying onto the coffin. A strange light came out of the coffin but we where to occupied to care at that moment.

Using Billy as my shield we were able to get rid of the last two mummies.

Looking into the coffin there was no trace of Wong or his magical communication ring. I just hope we don’t miss our pickup or this fight would have been for noting.

Searching the mummies I found ………………………. I let Billy carry it.

Unable to find Wong’s body and being to drained of our resource for another of those fight we went back to where Wong made contact with his allies. Billy didn’t seem to be sad about Wong at all. They told me that just before they met me they lost another member of their party. Alton was his name. Maybe this is just common around here. There we waited to find two robe humans.

A second later we found ourselves inside an military base.


Day 2[edit]

We were brought to Billy’s superior Colonel Cutter. He didn’t seem to be happy to see us at all. I was send to wait outside his office only seconds after entering it and I could hear unhappy voices through the door.

I guess telling you boss that you lost two of your two colleges is never a good chat. I don’t think I should stay with these guys for too long. It might turn out badly for me.

After a few minutes I’m called back in and I see a third person joining us. It’s an rather wild looking human. From what I could pick up he is an ex-soldier that they just dragged out of prison for a new mission. This will get lovely.

In an slightly angry voice Colonel Cutter tells us that he wants us to retrieve the ring that Wong was wearing. I ask the Colonel about the desert that we just exited but anything other than its location he cannot tell me. If I ever want to find out how I came to be in that chamber I have to go back and check it out. To aid us in our search the Colonel gives us an magical device that can open any door.

Snatching it out of Billy’s hands I take the device and use it on the Colonels door. It was only afterwards that he told me it wasn’t an recharging wand, I don’t think he was all too happy with me.

A few teleporting moment later we find our self inside de tomb again without an communication ring. The door that Billy and Wong had used to find me was no longer there. I seems we better find the ring fast before something bad happens and we have no way out.

Back in the hallway with the three doors we know that two doors lead to the chamber where Wong died. Seeing as we already search that room we better try the third room first.

The stone door opened with ease using the wand that the Colonel gave us. As we ended the room we saw an pillar with an Large glass sphere on top of it. Behind us an stone slap removed all options of escape.

On three sides of the room stone slaps started to go upwards and we gotten ready for an battle.

Logun summoned a giant crocodile on the left and went to stand ready on the right while I summoned up my illusionary and protective powers.

On both our left and right we saw large zombies entering the room. On the doorway the oppose side of us we saw nothing yet.

Billy took the left one and Logun took the right one.

With an little guides’ they were able to get both zombies close to each other so I could hit them both with one mass pestilential touch. While we were fighting I saw an invisible caster getting ready to summon some monster. I was able to interrupt her casting with my own damage.

After some flurry of attacks and some weird transformation from Logun his side we were able to defeat all three opponents.

Wondering about the sphere in the middle of the room I used my ability to talk to animals to convince Logun his summoning that Logun wanted it to attack the sphere. The animal disappeared instantly and four beams came out of the ceiling. They turned into undead chanters and the whole room started to shake. The three of us ran to the room where the caster had come from and found two chests. While Billy searched them for rings I summoned an Huge scorpion to attack the canters. The moment the scorpion hit 1 he was disintegrated. I saw Logun standing ready to attack the chanter himself, however, after my summoning got disintegrated he thought better of it.

Billy opened the first chest sending and explosion and poison gas into the room. Inside he found a large collection of jewelry.

I opened the second chest and an second explosion just missed me. I searched the chest for a few seconds but was unable to recognize any of the rings.

Logun came with a new plan he turned into a flying creature and lifted me off the ground. He said something about lightning being unable to strike you if you don’t touch the ground. I’m not sure if it’s true but it doesn’t hurt to try.

After a few seconds the vibrations became worse and it became clear that the room was about to collapse. Luckily Billy was able to find the ring and call for help. By the time reinforcements came the ceiling was letting go of some large rocks. Billy and Logun were able to get away with one of the teleporters. Unluckily I was left behind when one of the teleporters get hit by an rock.

I was able to protect him a bit with my tower-shield but he was unable to concentrate on the teleportspell. Finally after a few seconds he was able to teleport us outside with an short-range teleport. Unfortunately he used all his abilities to get us back to base for the day so I was stuck with him for the next 8 hours.

After healing him up a bit and feeding him an potion of endure elements I took an passive watch


Day 3[edit]

Thinking about the last two days I wonder if this strange event might benefit myself and my village. It can’t hurt to be able to win the trust of another army. It might be a good investment. This wounded teleporter might me my way in.

after a long night i feel my healing powers returning to me. Using them on the wounded teleporter they are welcomed greatly. Using the moment of his gratefulness im able to talk him into waiting with his teleportation till i finished investigation this place. the fact that i can appear here without any knowledge still borders me.

Its seems that Billy and Wong had spoken true about being teleported to this place to. the obelisk clearly is an dropping point for some kind of portal. its a shame i cant find any clues to who made it or where it leads from.

in the far horizon a large black pyramid looms over the sand. jugging my tired state from staying awake all night and the teleporters reputation of being useless in a tight spot i better not go near it now. maybe i can come back some other day. after all, it might be filled with more of those salt-mummy creatures.

walking back to the ruins of the tomb i come across the "dragon" that Billy had pointed out. it isn't hard to see that this is a sphinx no bigger then a normal human. i wonder how Billy came to see the world in this strange matter. its probably a good plan not to belief him to quickly.

Looking around the rest of the site i talk some smalltalk to the teleporter. Thinking back i wonder why i never bothered to ask his name. i know Wong's name and i had known him much shorter.

"how would you like to join the army?" he suddenly asks me after a few moments of silence. i pocked a stone from the tomb and look at him in a questioning look. "hmmm.. that sounds like a great plan" i say while i thank my luck for this nice trow of events. i guess i don't have to make any excuse to join them.

having looked at the whole side from every angle we teleport back to the army base.

i pet my trusted shield softly, it done its job remarkable during the cave in, but now it was no more use if combat. once again it come in handy to be able to heal. because with the teleporters help, fifty gold pieces and two hour's time an army blacksmith made it as strong as new. it might not look as fancy as it did before but im happy anyway.

meeting up with Billy and Logun i notice that they don't look surprised at all. maybe people get left behind and then return often here. i chose not to ponder about that to much as we went to Colonel Cutter for some debriefing. we where put on standby for a few days. giving us some time to get me sworn into the army and rest up a bit. soon we would be send on a mission again. all hands where needed.

at the gate our two teleporters greet us as we approach and transport us to our new bar "the slap-o-lumber".


seeing the bar it isn't as i expected. neider was it what the others expected. what lay before us was the lower half of a very burned out old bar. being army property the teleporters went to report it to there supiriors.

the magic shopkeeper seems happy to see Billy, he probably doesn't know Billy's reputation of losing friends to dangerous situations. He is willing to identify everything for us within a day. except the crown we stole from one of the salt mummy's. he seemed to think it is evil and should be destroyed. to be honest everything is evil when used badly, so how bad can it be.

ill just have to volunteer to guard on a future mission to find out.

thinking about army investigations i lose all hope of finding answers. it will probably take them years before they even start it. Billy and Logun seem to think around the same lines as we set out to investigate. we try to interrogate the fire department first. Logun transforms into a eagle and go's to sit on the roof to keep an eye out for strange behavior of our targets. i think i should be able to drive him mad within a day. it sure cant hurt to try.

questioning the fire fighter i suddenly bored with him, he doesn't seem to know anything about fires except to put water on them. so i return to my plan to drive Logun insane. As he sits on the roof trying to blend into the natural wildlife i call to him so he can carry me to the inn. Logun chooses not to hear me so i cast a swift fly and join him on the roof. he agrees with my plan to search the inn ourselves but is unwilling to fly me there if anyone can see us. so i cast a invisibility sphere on us and we fly down to the inn.

the inn was cold and rescue workers had trampled all over the remains. i couldn't tell which end the fire started. which might also just mean it was lit from more then one direction.

looking across the street i see another in with some happy costumers. while Logun kept watch in bird form i went to mingle with he commoners. after four hard hours of drinking and partying i found some nice lady's of the night. speaking some magical words to one of them told me all i needed to know.

it seems that a guy named Boris the Blade aka Boris the bulldog is a bigshot in this town. he owns a few bars himself. the lady's seem sure that he is involved in this. his small personal army can be spotted by a tattoo of a bulldog on there chest. one of the inns he owns is "the dragons breath".

its a hard job but someone has to do it. so i flip them a cold coin and they join me in a secure ally while i "gather information" from them. the one time that an room in my own in might have come in handy. oh well, i am more of an outdoors person anyway.

looking up to the roof i could see one dirty eagle looking at us with a readable look in his eyes.


two hour's later (for some reason others seem to think it was only 15 minutes) we where disturbed by a panther that jumped over our ally of happiness. both lady's stopped what they where doing and sat in fear as the black cat disappeared. i done really care eider way so i continued what i was doing while i yelled "get lost, im gathering information".


"the dragons breath" is an small bar in the roughest part of town, even during the day we can see some fighting happy people. the rest of the bar is empty except for a sailor that sits at the bar and the staff existing out of a barman and a human woman.

seeing as its still to early to get any real information we send me to in and talk to some people. maybe i would get lucky. asking for Boris i will save for tonight, i better not risk alarming anyone.

to back me up in the bar Logun transforms into a panther to join me. time for some fun again.

as we walk into the street i start to yell " help, a while panther". as a guard comes around the corner i start to fall on the ground and pretend that he attacked me screaming in fear. the guard didn't need any other motivation and started to shot at Logun who ran like a stray dog from a slipper while the guard chased him. oh man, the sight of that will keep me smiling for days to come.

time for some work now. i joint he sailor and start to talk to him about panthers running wild and inns burning to the ground. he was fun to talk to but didn't really give me any information. so trying the tree other costumers siting in the corner i didn't get any more luck. they where suspicious about me relation with the inn, i wasn't about to tell them i was there to kill whoever set the fire so i chose to leave.

it seems i need something other then a panther to start a conversation with. so borrowing the crown from Billy and a upset Logun i turned invisible and went back inside. whatever evil this crown has it must be enough to get the attention of these city dwellers. so seeing the sailor sitting near the door i creep over to him and put the crown on is head. In a split second he drops dead on the grown and i try to pull the crown back. noticing that its stuck i swiftly turn invisible again and make my run for it. As i enter the ally next to the bar i can hear the townspeople scream from inside.

i cast my most powerful disuse spell and walk back to out of the ally to the window. there i can see the sailor turning slowly, head first into a salt mummy. "oh well, its not my problem" i think to myself as i see Logun charging past me to the door of the bar. Billy keeps hidden in the ally as i continue to watch the mummy evolve.

as Logun stands in the doorway i can see one of the humans from inside run out. shame that Logun didn't stop him. its always best to have someone stand between you and powerful undead monster. i bless Logun and Billy with some extra protection while i keep watching trough the window. im not planing to get anywhere near that thing unless i eider have to or that its occupied killing others to notice me attacking it.

it wasn't long before both Logun and Billy where in full attack with the creature, another human had fled the inn. as we fight the mummy another human attacks Billy and the barkeeper falls bleeding on the ground by the mummy's claw. I summoned a huge scorpion to grapple the mummy as the fight continues. Billy knocks the human unconscious and attacks the mummy while Logun walks forward to heal the barkeeper. seeing this Billy attacks the barkeeper dropping him back to the ground.

I don't think it will be good for us if the barkeeper survived this and told the cops that Billy sided with an salt mummy. so i got ride of all the witnesses and we finished mummy.

looking behind the bar we can see a hatch leading down. it seems that the girl i saw earlier has gone down.


As Logun went to help the waitress to get outside we ran into a few guards. Logun dropped her in the arms (or head) of one of the guards and she made a run for it. the combat afterward was a bit confusing. the guard that had a girl thrown at him by an giant eagle called Logun was lifted up the roof by the same eagle. another guard attacked a Simulacrum that looked like a flying elf but was actually a Simulacrum of an halfling. That guard got sick and died from the dirty hands of the unseen ninja (you don't want to know where they have been). Seeing how quickly Billy was able to take the man's clots off i will do better to keep an eye open when Billy is guarding.

i wonder how Billy's live looks like. from what i heard he caused the death of two bartender (from the same bar) and lost two party members in less then a week.

hearing more guards in the distance Logun and I both took a side of Billy and flew invisible to the other side of the city. here among some nice house Billy and Logun went off into a discussion about who you can and who you cant kill. Logun agreed that the evil sailor who stole our crown and turned himself into a salt mummy was rightfully killed. but the bartender and the drunk should just have been questioned. this reminded me that we did indeed forget to question the bartender. its a shame i don't have any talk to the dead spells. Billy and Logun continued to argue for a while so I turned myself into an dwarf and went to sleep under a nearby tree. I better not show myself as a elf or halfling any time soon.

not long after i got awakened by Logun and we went to an bed and breakfast to get some real rest. im not sure what was wrong with the tree but i didn't see the point of arguing.


Day 4[edit]

That night we went back to our Slap-O-Lumber mission. "finding out who burned down the inn without killing the whole city" as Logun seems to describe it. as always when your not sure where to start we went to see the lady's of the night. even if they don't have any information its never a wast of time.


Side notes[edit]

  • Its still unclear why i ended up in a tomb.
  • Were on standby, something bad is happening around the world and we will be summoned soon.
  • Our bar (slap-o-lumber) has been burned down on the orders of some guy named "Boris the blade" aka "Boris the bulldog".
  • Boris controls a large number of people with tattoos of Bulldogs on there chests.
  • One of the bars that Boris owns is "The dragon's breath" where Billy's party killed the bartender....again.
  • We have a very Evil crow that can turn Humans into salt mummy's.
  • Friendly magic-shopkeeper is named Eagle eyed Chery.
  • Colonel Cutter gives our unit its orders.
  • We have a winning streak of 1 successful mission. probably why were on the bottom of the military ranking system.
