Doctor Potre
Street Name: Holly Day
Name: Doctor Simara Potre Movement: 10/25, Swim: 6 Karma: 7 Street Cred: 0 Notoriety: 0 Public Awareness: 0 Elf Female Age 30 Height Weight
Composure: Judge Intentions: Lift/Carry: Memory:
Nuyen: 9,820 +800 Nuyen Medical Supplies
BOD: 5
AGI: 5 (7)
REA: 3 (5)
STR: 2 (4)
CHA: 4
INT: 4
LOG: 5 (7)
WIL: 3
EDG: 2
Derived Attributes[edit]
Essence: 1.83
Initiative: 7 (9)
IP: 1 (2 on Cram)
Matrix Initiative: 7
Matrix IP: 2
Physical Damage Track: 11
Stun Damage Track: 10
Ballistic Armor 11 (Everyday 9)
Impact Armor 7 (Everyday 4)
Active Skills[edit]
- Automotive Mechanic : 0 (3 Skill Soft) Pool: 12
- Automatics : 0 (1 SG) Pool: 8 (10 with Smart-link)
- Chemistry : 3 (Sp. Drugs) Pool: 12 (14)
- Climbing : 0 (1 SG) Pool: 7
- Con : 0 (1 SG) Pool: 5
- Dodge : 0 (3 Skill Soft) Pool: 8
- Etiquette : 0 (1 SG) Pool: 5
- First Aid : 6 (Sp. Trauma) Pool: 15 (17)
- Gymnastics : 1 Pool: 10
- Hardware : 0 (2 Skillsoft) Pool: 11
- Infiltration : 1 Pool: 8
- Leader : 1 Pool: 5
- Longarms : 1 Pool: 8 (10 with smart-link)
- Medicine : 3 (Sp. Trauma) Pool: 12 (14)
- Negotiation : 1 Pool: 5
- Perception : 1 Pool: 8 (11 with audio/visual enhancements, +1 Betel)
- Pistols : 1 Pool: 8 (10 with smart-link)
- Running : 1 Pool: 7
- Swimming : 1 Pool: 7
- Unarmed Combat : 0 (3 Skillsoft) Pool: 10
Knowledge Skills[edit]
- Chemistry : 3 (Sp. Pharm) Pool: 14 (16)
- Biology : 3 Pool: 14
- Business : 2 Pool: 12
- Literature : 2 Pool: 13
- Art : 1 Pool: 11
- Area Knowledge (Manhattan) : 2 Pool: 7
- Drugs : 2 Pool: 12
- Medical Corps : 2 Pool: 13
- Corporate Culture : 2 Pool: 12
- Alcohol : 1 Pool: 5
Club Bouncer (2, 4)
Comparative Religions Grad Student (1, 2)
Fixer (3, 3)
College Education
Addiction (Mild) (Betel)
Addiction (Mild) (Cram)
Day Job (20 hrs/week)
In Debt (10,000 nuyen)
SINner (Standard) (UCAS)
Street 2 months
Running Loadout[edit]
Helmet 1/2
Form-Fitting Half-Body Suit 4/1
Auto-injector Biomonitor
Chameleon Suit 6/4
Thermal Damping (Rating 6) Nonconductivity (Rating 6)
Parashield Dart Rifle
Smartgun System Pool: 8 (10) DV: Drug AP: -2 RC: 0 SA
Ruger 100
Imaging Scope Stock Stock Pad Smartgun System Pool: 8 (10) DV: 7P AP: -1 RC: 1 SA
Unarmed Attack
Pool: 4 DV: 3S AP: - RC: 0
Everyday Loadout[edit]
Actioneer Business Clothes 5/3
Form-Fitting Half-Body Suit 4/1
Auto-injector Biomonitor
Ares Crusader
Gas Vent 2 Smartgun System Conceal -2 Pool: 8 (10) DV: 4P AP: - RC: 2
Unarmed Attack
Pool: 4 DV: 3S AP: - RC: 0
Conceal -2 Pool: 6 DV: 3P AP: - RC: 0
Binoculars Rating 2
+Vision Magnification +Thermographic
Climbing Gear
Gas Mask
Rappelling Gloves
Sleeping Bag
Survival Kit
Water Purification Tablet x4