Dog King's Bounty:Kethri
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- Agility: d8
- Smarts: d6
- Spirit: d8
- Strength: d6
- Vigor: d4
Other Stats
- Rank: Seasoned
- XP: 0
- Bennies: 3/3
- Wounds: 0/3
- Fatigue: 0/2
- Parry: 5
- Toughness: 6 (1))
- Pace: 5” (1" From Reduced Pace)
- Rapier: d8 Fighting, d6 + d4 damage
- 8Main Gauche: d8 Fighting, d6 + d4 damage
- Knife: d8 Fighting, d6 + d4 damage
- Knife, thrown: d8 Athletics, d6 + d4 damage
- Reduced Pace (Racial)
- Environmental Weakness (Cold) (Racial)
- Heroic
- Vow (Minor)
- Hesitant
- Poisonous Touch (Racial)
- Toughness +1 (Racial)
- Infravision (Racial)
- Poison Immunity (Racial)
- Arcane Background (Faith)
- Marksman
- Power Points x1
- Healer
- New Powers x1
- Dodge
- Concentration
Faith d8 Notice d6 Healing d6 Fighting d6 Shooting d8 Persuasion d6
Robe: +1 armor (Legs, Arms, Torso), 30$ 5 pounds, Heavy leather cap: +2 armor (Head) 20$ 1 pound
Light Crossbow: 2d6 damage, 5 pounds, 250$ 40 bolts: 8 pounds, 20$ Short sword: Strength+d6 damage, ($100, 2 pounds)
Backpack ($50, 2 pounds) Bedroll ($25, 4 pounds) First Aid Kit ($10, 1 pound) Flint and steel ($3, 1 pound) Trail rations, 5 days ($30, 15 pounds) Waterskin ($5, 1 pound) Clothing, casual ($20, 2 pounds)
Powers Confusion Smite Healing Deflection Sloth/Speed
15 power points.