Dont Talk-To Dead People/Emilia Harris

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Name: Emilia Harris

Occupation: Widow (Dilettante)

Str: 60 (30/12)

Con: 50 (25/10)

Pow 50(25/10)

Dex: 60 (30/12)

App: 80 (40/16)

Siz: 40 (20/8)

Int: 70 (35/12)

Edu: 50 (25/10)

Luck: Luck: 3d6 13 65

MP: 10

Damage Bonus: None/0

HP: 9


Accounting: 25

Anthropology: 01

Appraise: 05

Archaeology: 01

Art/Craft (Poetry): 50

Charm: 60

Climb: 20

Credit Rating: 50%

Disguise: 05

Dodge: 30

Drive: 20

Elec Repair: 10

Fast Talk: 05

Fighting: 35

Firearms (Handguns): 40

Firearms (Rifle): 25

First Aid: 50

History: 05

Intimidate: 15

Jump: 20

Language (French): 40

Language (English): 50

Law: 05

Library Use: 60

Listen: 40

Locksmith: 01

Mech Repair: 10

Medicine: 01

Natural Worl: 50

Navigate: 10

Occult: 25

Op Hvy Machine: 01

Persuade: 50

Pilot: 01

Psychology: 10

Psychoanalysis: 01

Ride: 40

Science: 01

Slight of Hand: 10

Spot Hidden: 25

Stealth: 20

Survival: 10

Swim: 20

Throw: 10

Track: 10

Appearance: Emilia Harris is a young caucasian blonde woman with green eyes in her twenties. She is physically fit, enjoying long walks and is always dressed impeccably, though only in a widow’s black now. She still wears her wedding ring on her finger, and her late husband's wedding ring strung on her necklace.

Background: Emilia was the daughter of a prominent judge in the city. Emilia's life was planned out for her from the beginning, but she never had a problem with that. She married a young lawyer who clerked for her father with both families approval when she was 20 years old and a son had a son. However life is fragile and one day the whole household came down with influenza, Emilia and the help recovered soon, but her infant son and husband both died. Emilia is now 25 years old and feels lost in the world. She has moved back in with her parents and spends long hours reading books on philosophy and religion.