Doom at the Weston Manor Remi

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Remi is the illigemtimate son of Harris Weston and Susan Delacore. When he was very young he was sent to live with his grandmother in New Orleans returning to his mother (Who was a live in Maid) when he was about 8. He still speaks with a strong cajun accent mostly becuase he has worked out it annoys certain members of the Weston family. He has a laid back and easy going attutiude most of the time bearing the barbs of the Westons with good humor most of the time, there is only two things that will get under his skin one is any insult directed against his mother, the other is references to his hight (He only stands at 5' 4")

He adores his younger half-sister and dotes on her when ever he has the chance but his fathers wife tends to make sure that those meetings are few and far between, although she takes delight in running him ragged when given the oppertunity. He is however hurt by his fathers general refusal to acknowledge him and he consitintly hopes to prove himself to his father.

Ability Scores[edit]

  • Strength 10 (+0)
  • Dexterity 16 (+3)
  • Constitution 12 (+1)
  • Intelligence 12 (+1)
  • Wisdom 12 (+1)
  • Charisma 18 (+4)
  • (18pp)


  • Fort: +3
  • Ref: +3
  • Will: +4
  • (6pp)


  • Attack: 0/+3
  • Def: 0/+3
  • Tough: +1


  • Acrobatics: +4 (+6)
  • Bluff: +8 (+12/+16)
  • Diplomacy: +8 (+12/+16)
  • Gather Info: +6 (+10)
  • Investigate: +4 (+5)
  • Know: Current Events: +4 (+5)
  • Notice: +5 (+5)
  • Profession: Cook: +6 (+7)
  • Profession: Butler: +6 (+7)
  • Search: +4 (+5)
  • Sense Motive: +6 (+7)
  • (15pp)
  • language: 2 (French, Latin)


  • Attack Focus (Melee) x5
  • Defense Focus x5
  • Grappling Finesse
  • Distracting Looks
  • Bishonen
  • Beautiful voice (Dip)
  • Interpose
  • Evaisonx2


  • Nullify 5 (Magic discriptors only), Perception, Distracting 4pp + 2 Alt power
    • Deflect 5 (Ranged attacks), Move Action, Magic attacks only
    • Corrison 5 (Magic beings)
  • Protection 4
  • Paralyze 5 (Only affects magical critters)