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Sometimes dismissively referred to as "space rats," the Doyga resemble three-foot-tall opossums, with muscular, prehensile tails and long, sensitive noses. Their chunky bodies are slow, but their six-fingered hands are dexterous and they take well to antigravity environments. Males and females look identical to all races except their own, and since the sexes are completely egalitarian, it tends not to matter much. They are a highly advanced species, with their own spacecraft and multiple colonies; however, they are unambitious and slow to act by Terran standards. As a result, Doyga are far more likely to be found acting as mechanics, technicians, and grease-monkeys on other peoples' spaceships, or repairing small craft, or otherwise messing around with technology. Their own language is a raspy hissing, and they seem able to both speak and listen simultaneously; in a ship with multiple Doyga, the engineering section tends to have a constant background hiss of Doyga conversation.

Doyga are not an aggressive species; they do not make war, and pirates and violent criminals are rare among them. They are, however, highly skilled at defensive warfare: though poor at gaining ground, they hold to their own territory with implacable determination. They are extremely pragmatic, willing to work with anyone who pays reliably, and while they stay bought once hired, they will switch sides as needed to stay alive.


  • Low-light vision (1)
  • Racial Skills: Start with a d4 in Repair and Thievery (2)
  • Toughness +2 (2)
  • Reduced Core Skill [does not start with a d4 in Persuasion] (-1)
  • Reduced Pace [pace 5, running die d4] (-1)
  • Size -1 (-1)