Dr. Ivan Telaros

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"I didn't really believe that these interloping invaders of the week stood a chance against the heroes of Earth. They had always come out on top before, after all, and conflict was not only good for business, but for my long term designs.

Pity it all went to Hell in a hand basket.

Still, doesn't really matter who owns the world right now, the struggle continues"

Dr. Telaros[edit]

Too many aliases to list


Solo d8, Buddy d6, Team d10


  • Yellow Streak
  • A Long and Sordid Life
  • The Thrill of Plotting



Enhanced Senses d8, Twitching Reflexes d6

  • SFX: The Grand Scheme - Spend a PP to Step Up a Crime, Business, or Psych Master Stunt or Resource and Recover Mental or Emotional Stress.
  • SFX: Work in Progress - When creating an Asset with Science or Tech Master add a d6 and Step Up the Effect.
  • SFX: The Plot Thickens - Spend a PP to add a Doom Die to a Conniving Paranoia Roll. Then Step Down the Die and Return it to the Doom Pool.
  • SFX: Reduce the Variables - Add a d6 and Step Up Effect when attempting to Shut Down a Power with one of your Specialties.
  • SFX: Iago's Whispers - When using Psych Master to create a Complication add a d6 and Step Up Effect.
  • SFX: Plans In Motion - When another Player uses an Asset you created Step Up or Double that Asset for the Action. If the Action Fails, move the Asset die into the Doom Pool.*
  • Limit: Sand Through Your Fingers - Spend a Resource or Asset to gain a PP.
  • Limit: Getting Old - Gain a PP to Step Up Physical Stress or Trauma.


  • Psych Master d10
  • Crime Master d10
  • Business Master d10
  • Science Master d10
  • Tech Master d10
  • Mystic Expert d8
  • Cosmic Expert d8


TODAY, HERE ...[edit]

1 XP - When you disrupt local government.

3 XP - When you enforce your own law in an area.

10 XP - When you either surrender to the V'sori or overthrow their hold over a city sized area (or larger


1 XP - When you bring up an interesting past with a hero or villain.

3 XP - When you betray your allies.

10 XP - When you hang up evildoing for good, and either become a hero or retire to normality.


Life has been a long and interesting for Dr. Telaros. He has changed careers a great many times. Pickpocket, thief, gangster, scientist (mad and otherwise), professor, businessman (legitimate and otherwise), warlord (terrestrial and otherwise), superhero, antihero, president of the United States of America (and not the first to be impeached, even if he only had one term), Retiree, peace ambassador to Titan, Deceased, Monk, King of the Hollow Earth, hollywood agent, lawyer, judge, chief of police, and (for a particularly odd stint) manager of a roller derby team (all a ruse to get at the Charlatan's secret identity, but surprisingly fulfilling work). Somehow, none of them ever stuck.

Like most grandiose villains, Dr. Telaros has had his share of ups and downs, and though he's always been chasing power, he hasn't a clue what he'd actually do with it.

Dr. Ivan Telaros isn't exactly an imposing figure. Back in the day he could pull off a crazed look with a labcoat flaring dramatically behind him, or be intimidating in the right brightly colored armor. Even when he was president he had a certain stately presence.

But, that was a lifetime (and a resurrection) ago.

Dr. Telaros is getting on in years now. His original arch-nemesis is dead (cancer, as it happens, which has a surprisingly lower return rate than most more violent deaths, still one can't be too careful).

These days, Dr. Telaros sports a splotchy bald spot, a double chin, and more than his share of wrinkles.

Still, it was never brawn that let him stand toe to toe with Varsuvius, or the others. It was brains. And his haven't gone yet.

Necessary Evil