Dr. Kazaki Valhalla

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He's a native of Inari born shortly after contact, currently working as a sort of cultural attache in the Golden Empire. Echidna/Nephilim cross-disciplinary researcher with a background in Culture, History, and Psitech.

The College Echidna This covers all of the Xenostudies. Xenolinguistics, theories of political and social science as they apply to alien sapients, histories of alien species, etc. Often cross-disciplinary. The color of this college is dark grey, and may be decorated with a black icon for each alien species for which they have a peer-reviewed publishing credit.

The College Nephilim This is school for psychics. It is effectively the same as The Black House, although part of the Nephilim's staff are engaged in poaching psychics from every world that will tolerate them. The color of the Nephilim is a shimmering blue-green. They are entitled to a gold-embroidered symbol for each discipline in which they have Mastered the third-level power.