Dr Alfans Frostmount
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Dr Alfans Frostmount[edit]
Neutral Good Male Longtooth Shifter Duskblade 7
- HD 7d8
- Hit points 34
- Initiative +5
- BAB +7/+1
- Speed 30 feet
- AC 14 (+3 armor, +1 Dex), touch 11, flat-footed 13
- Strength 15 (+2)
- Dexterity 12 (+1)
- Constitution 12 (+1)
- Intelligence 16 (+3)
- Wisdom 8 (-1)
- Charisma 10 (-)
- Fortitude +6 (Dus6 +5, CON +1)
- Reflex +3 (Dus6 +2, DEX +1)
- Will +4 (Dus6 +5, WIS -1)
Attack (melee): +11/+6 (1d8+4/19-20 +1d6 lightning, +2 shock longsword)
Attack (ranged:) +7/+2
Class abilities:
- Arcane Attunement
- Armored Mage
- Combat Casting
- Arcane Channelling
- Quick Cast
- Spell Power
- Balance +3
- Bluff +2
- Climb +4
- Concentration +1
- Decipher Script +4
- Diplomacy +0
- Intimidate +3
- Jump +4
- Knowledge
- Arcana +5
- Architecture +4
- Geography +5
- History +7
- Nobility +6
- Religion +6
- Perception +0
- Search +3
- Sense Motive +2
- Spellcraft +6
- Swim +2
- Combat Casting
- Improved Initiative
- Persuasive
- Weapon Focus (longsword)
Spells per day:
- 0 level: 6
- 1st level:7
- 2nd level: 5
Languages Known: Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Halfling
- Backpack
- Bedroll
- Blanket, winter
- Caltrops
- Ink vial
- Ink pen
- Parchment sheets x3
- Rations (1 day) x3
- +2 shock longsword, Anguirel
- Studded leather armor