Dragons Wake (SWADE PbP)/Eric Andrews

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Private First Class Eric "Rocky" Andrews

Born and raised on a horse ranch in Houston, TX. Even as a young man he was rowdy and frequently got into fights. His parents enrolled him in boxing at a young age which only seems to have exasperated his talent to bash things.

Around 1940, him and his buddies got drunk and broke into an "abandoned" military base. Turns out it wasn't abandoned, it was being used for military experiments. He was exposed to some bizarre energy which resulted in his ability to transform into an earth elemental. Him and his buddies were caught by the local MPs, instead of going to federal prison he was offered to keep his freedom in exchange for being drafted and to use his powers to help the US win the war.

Has a very big ego and tough guy mentality. He's not the thinker type, nor would he have the patience for such things. As such, he excelled as a frontline infantryman. When his trusty shotgun Betsy isn't up to the task at hand, he takes matters into his own hands and smashes things until they stop moving

After spending some time aiding French resistance fighters in Vichy France, Agent Iris was transferred to TOG to assist them with their efforts in the Pacific theatre, where her prior knowledge of the occult would hopefully come in handy.

Race: Human (ADAPTABLE: Humans begin play with any Novice Edge of their choosing.)

Concept: Earth Elemental (Altered Form) Trappings: Matter (Earth/Stone)


  • Arrogant (Major) (Physical domination)
  • Habit (Minor) (Smoking cigars or cigarettes)
  • Ruthless (Minor)
  • Bloodthirsty (Major)
  • Impulsive (Major)

Attributes and Skills

  • Agility d6
  • Athletics d8
  • Boating d4
  • Driving d4
  • Fighting d10
  • Stealth d6
  • Shooting d6
  • Smarts d4
  • Battle d6
  • Common Knowledge d4
  • Healing d4
  • Notice d4
  • Survival d6
  • Taunt d6
  • Spirit d8
  • Focus d8
  • Intimidation d6
  • Persuasion d4
  • Strength d10 / (d12+1 in altered form)
  • Vigour d10

Derived Stats

  • Pace: 6 (leap 16/8 in altered form)
  • Parry: 7
  • Size: 0 (2 in altered form)
  • Toughness: 7 / (13(4) in altered form)


  • Arcane Background (Super Powers)
  • Martial Artist (counts as always armed with fists/feet, +1 to strike, Str+d4 damage) (American boxing)

Super Powers

  • Altered Form 2 + Grappler 1 - Requires Activation 1 = 2 (called shots do no extra damage, halve falling/collision damage, +2 grapple rolls)
  • Armor 2 - Requires Activation (Contingent on Altered Form) 1 = 1 (4 Armor, non-stacking, can be bypassed by AP or a called shot at -6)
  • Growth 6 - Requires Activation (Contingent on Altered Form) 1 = 5 (Size and Toughness +2, Strength up two steps, grow up to 9' tall and 1000 lbs)
  • Melee Attack 4 - Limitation (only while in Altered Form) 1 - Limitation (only unarmed attacks) 1 = 2
  • Hardy 2 - Requires Activation (Contingent on Altered Form) 1 = 1 (don't take a wound when Shaken twice)
  • Speed 3 - Limitation (only while in Altered Form) 1 - Limitation (only touching ground 1)= 1 (pace 12)
  • Regeneration 5 - Limitation (must touch ground) 1 - Limitation (only while in Altered Form) 1 = 3 (make a Focus roll once an hour when in contact with the earth to heal a wound, or two with a raise)


  • Boondocker suede "low top" boots with gaiters
  • US Army rucksack
  • Lightweight jungle hammock and mosquito netting
  • Rain poncho
  • Jungle first aid kit
  • Canteen
  • Bowie knife - Str+1d6
  • Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife - 3/6/12, Str+d4, AP 1
  • Two Mk II "Pineapple" fragmentation grenades - 4/8/16, 3d6, medium blast template
  • M1 Garand Rifle - 24/48/96, 2d8, RoF 1, Shots 8, AP2, Semi-Auto
  • 10 extra 8-round clips
  • unarmed punch - +1 to hit, 1d10+1d4 (1d12+1d4+2d6+1 in altered form)