Dreams of a Distant Sea:AWCIDS:Charms and Artifacts

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Ranged Combat Excellency[edit]

When purchasing this Charm, choose an Ability. Spend 1 mote. This applies on Step 1 during combat. Outside of combat, this may be used freely. Add bonus dice equal to the Ability’s rating to any applicable roll involving the chosen Ability.

Special: This Charm may be applied to resistance rolls (such as to resist a hazard or trap) or to reflexively created actions, e.g. a reflexive build Power action, regardless of Step.

Agonizing Flame Imperilment[edit]

See entry for Ritho below.

Arise and Slaughter[edit]

Commit 1 mote for the scene. If there are corpses buried in the ground or slaughtered on the battlefield, roll War. Success creates a Size 1 battle group of walking dead at out to Short Range with an additional point of (Size) for every two successes on activation. Alternatively, heal one health level of damage inflicted on a battle group of walking dead within Short Range for every two successes rolled. If the battlefield is littered with corpses to reanimate, gain two automatic successes. Failure creates a Size 0, poor Drill battle group of walking dead. These additional walking dead remain for the scene before falling inanimate.

First Blood Impulse[edit]

Spend 1 mote when Join Battle is rolled. The Abyssal gains 1 Power and acts first, regardless of the results of any Join Battle roll. If another player’s character also has an ability to act first, they should agree out of character on who takes the first action. The Abyssal gains the Power by using this Charm regardless. During an ambush, increase the Accuracy and Overwhelming value of his weapon by one. Gain an additional anima.

Flickering Shadow Evasion[edit]

Spend 2 motes on Step 2. On Step 4, roll your choice of Attribute + Athletics, and add your successes to your Defense against the attack.

Mist Over Ice[edit]

Commit 1 mote. For the rest of the scene, the Exalt can stand on or run along things too narrow or weak to support them normally, with no chance of falling or breaking through. They never have to roll to avoid falling. Increase the cost of the Knockdown gambit by his Essence.

Abyssal: The Exalt may walk across water as if it were solid ground and may stand still on its surface without falling through. He leaves no footprints behind.

Soul-Drinking Bite[edit]

Spend 1 mote on Step 3 on a decisive attack while in a grapple. The attack inflicts two additional dice of damage and causes the target to lose motes equal to the damage suffered. The Abyssal gains the stolen motes at the same amount up to a limit of her Essence. The Exalt gains one anima. Outside of combat, feeding on a willing or helpless victim confers a single mote and inflicts (Essence) damage. If the Exalt needs sustenance, she may treat feeding in this manner as a full meal and drink.

Wickedness-Unveiling Method[edit]

The Exalt gains double 8s on a Read Intentions action. The Exalt may spend 1 mote to ask one of the following questions. Additional questions cost 1 mote each.

  • How many people have they killed?
  • Who did they kill last?
  • Who was the last person they saw die?
  • Are they feeling guilty about something?
  • Who is another murderer that they know?

At Storyteller’s discretion, each question answered may reveal a single relevant Intimacy.

Artifacts and Hearthstones[edit]

Ritho, also called Illicit Desire[edit]

Soulsteel Firewand
Type: Heavy Ranged Weapon
Tags: Artifact, Flame, Powerful, Ranged
Hearthstone Slots: 2
Withering attacks with Ritho gain 2 additional Power if the target is not immune to flame. In addition, Ritho can be used to attack at long range instead of being restricted to medium range.

Ritho contains the following Evocations:

  • Agonizing Flame Imperilment
- Prerequisite: None

Commit one mote for the scene to fire a bullet or burst of ghost-fire at a target enemy, battle group or structure that sets them aflame and causes damage as per a lava environmental hazard every round until the end of the scene. This flame cannot be extinguished by any means except Charms or Sorcery.

- Resonant: The wielder is not harmed by the ghastly flames they create.