Dreams of a Fallen Crown:Characters:Eino Suutari:Entry - 'Never Thought I'd See The Day'

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So I made a donation to a temple of the Immaculate Order today.

I never thought I'd see the day that I'd commit such a sentence to paper. I never thought I'd see the day that I'd commit such an ACT. But the truth is, as ever, stranger than any fiction. Allow me to elaborate, starting with our return to Chiaroscuro:

Fox couldn't pass up the opportunity to act as host and tour guide, and Diamond seemed rather poleaxed by the sheer vibrant diversity of the city. Understandable, even I was surprised at how the place bustles and thrives with visitors from all ends of Creation. Of course that's what makes it such a great base of operations down here, and I've always been nothing if not adaptable. But I think Diamond is coming to grips very quickly, he seems to be made of stern stuff. But more on that in a bit.

Fox also couldn't pass up taking us close by the local Immaculate Temple during his tour, and the shabby state of the place really seemed to take Diamond off his keel. My opinion was best expressed, I think, by the bystander urinating on the temple walls, but where I had an aversion to what the place represented, Diamond seemed shocked by the fact that it had been allowed to fall into disrepair. Seeing Diamond's reaction, Fox decided to take us inside and introduce us to the current priest, this Hideo he's mentioned in passing before.

Inside we found the disarray that one would expect, with one exception: the Earth shrine was in perfect, even immaculate, repair. The reason for this jarring exception was revealed as soon as Fox called Hideo in to meet us. It turns out that Hideo is an actual Earth Elemental, wearing the vestments of an Immaculate. Bizarre, yes, but he's also quite personable, if completely off his nut. But whatever Hideo's state of mind may be, Fox has elaborated that he is quite the philanthropist and giver of charity, and really cares for helping the downtrodden. This I certainly can't argue with, and there is something supremely satisfying in seeing a bastion of the Immaculate Order twisted right onto its ear and doing genuine good for the community. Apparently Hideo has some sort of unfortunate history with the local spirits, but Fox wouldn't go into any detail. But I think at this point it's perfectly understandable why I left Hideo with a contribution to his 'temple'. I'm going to have to visit more often in the future.

Further regarding Diamond: my hat is safe from digestion. Diamond is indeed Realm nobility, a son of their House Cathak by his account. I've learned a good many things about him over the course of the day, and they all bode extremely well for our long-term goals. To begin with, he's an infantry commander with some experience under his belt. So he doesn't just swing a mean dire lance, he also knows how to command and direct troops and keep a fighting force in fighting condition. On top of that he is (naturally) well-schooled in the inner workings of the Realm and the nobility's games of power and politics. He also has managed to secure a considerable stock of funds from his personal wealth, which is going to be /extremely/ useful in broadening the scope of our operations. I know for a fact that Fox has been cooking up some juicy schemes to really ramp up our efforts, and this is going to cut some serious corners off the timetable. Which, it turns out, Diamond is quite amenable to... as it so happens, he appears to see eye to eye with Fox and I on some fundamental concepts of ethics and philosophy. What's more, I've felt that..... click with him, that same surreal sense of old familiarity I felt with Fox, and as we conversed around a generous supply of liquor (note to self: see more of that dancer!) I experienced yet more of those overlaid memories that mesh with the dreams I've been having off and on. Diamond belongs with us, and we all know each other somehow... something to do with our Exaltations, obviously, but at the moment it appears that we have served Unconquered Sun side by side before. As Fox would say, auspicious indeed.

On a side note, we have a party to attend. As we walked Diamond caught sight of a Realm servant-type bustling about on a buying spree, and Fox engineered a very unsubtle but highly successful collision with the man to get a look at his shopping list. Diamond also took the opportunity to speak with him, and determined that one of the local Realm snobs is throwing quite the affair, and Fox and I both smell a golden opportunity. We're going to acquire a guest list, and I for one feel that a duly-appointed delegate of the Haslanti League would be well-served to find himself in attendance, for the mutual benefit of League and Realm of course.

Second, and final, side note: I can speak High Realm! As I listened to Diamond and the servant conversing in their tongue, I realized that it was sounding.... not familiar, but /just/ outside of understanding, and with a bit of concentration the words began to make sense. By the time they were done I had felt something take hold in my mind, like the last piece of a puzzle clicking into place, and I was able to address Diamond in his language. Was he ever shocked! Heh, I've always had a knack for dialects, but this is just beyond all expectation. Another aspect of my Exaltation, no doubt. I'll keep my ears open and see what else I can pick up, as a skill like this could be infinitely useful. Especially in combination with some of the tricks I hope to learn from Fox.