Drith Kaxarix
Back to East March
Personal Data[edit]
Name: Drith Kaxarix
Gender: Male
Race: Hobgoblin (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-hobgoblin)
Class/Level: Rogue 1 (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/rogue)
Achetype: Rogue 1 (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/rogue/archetypes/paizo---rogue-archetypes/thug)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Description/Background: Mercenary assigned to the party by the Theurges.
Strength 12/+1
Dexterity 16/+3
Constitution 14/+2
Intelligence 13/+1
Wisdom 13/+1
Charisma 14/+2
Senses: +5
Init: +3
HD: 1D8+2
HP: 10
CMB: +1
CMD: 14
Fort: +2 (+2 con)
Ref: +5 (+3 dex +2 class
Will: +1 (+1 wis)
Acrobatics 1 rank + 3 dex + 3 class skill = +7
Bluff 1 rank + 2 cha + 3 class skill = +6
Disable Device 1 rank + 3 dex + 3 class skill = +7
Intimidate 1 rank + 2 cha + 4 fearsome + 1 imposing scion (+2 vs goblinoids) + 3 class skill = +11 (+12 vs goblinoids)
Perception 1 rank + 1 wis + 3 class skill = +5
Sense Motive 1 rank + 1 wis + 3 class skill = +5
Sleight of Hand 1 rank + 3 dex + 3 class skill = +7
Stealth 1 rank + 3 dex + 3 class skill = +7
Use Magic Device 1 rank + 2 cha + 3 class skill = +6
Level 1: Two Weapon Fighting
Imposing Scion: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks. If your bloodline is keyed to a specific creature type, your trait bonus increases to +2 when interacting with creatures of that type.
Armor Expert: When you wear armor of any sort, reduce that suit's armor check penalty by 1, to a minimum check penalty of 0.
Guild Features[edit]
Bonus Feat: Weapon Finesse
Class Features[edit]
Weapon Proficiencies: All simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword.
Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor
Sneak Attack: +1d6 damage when attacking flat-footed opponents
Frightening (Ex): Whenever a thug successfully uses Intimidate to demoralize a creature, the duration of the shaken condition is increased by 1 round. In addition, if the target is shaken for 4 or more rounds, the thug can instead decide to make the target frightened for 1 round.
Racial Features[edit]
Type: Humanoid (Goblinoid)
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet
Darkvision: Hobgoblins can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Fearsome: Some hobgoblins scorn caution and subtlety for swagger and bluster. Hobgoblins with this racial trait gain a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks.
Screw your magic spells!
Soldier's Uniform (free)
Chain Shirt (+4AC, +4 dex bonus, -1 armor check) 100gp
Thieves Tools (common) 30gp
Grappling Hook 1gp (how much does a stupid rope cost, I can't find it on the SRD lol)
Shortbow w/20 common arrows 31gp
2x Shortsword 20gp
2x Dagger 4gp
Scorpion Whip 5gp
Available: 240gp
Spent: 190gp