Duck Bloodlines

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Some known durulz bloodlines[edit]

Amberdrake, Bittersord, Blackscap, Blinkmottle, Bluebeak, Bogwatcher, Boldbladder, Brackblood, Brightfeather, Clearwhistle, Dawndapple, Deftwaddle, Drydottle, Duskwort, Fairfl anks, Fatleaf, Fierceplume, Fozzlebeak, Giltwit, Glowstalk, Goodshrooms, Greenbeak, Greenface, Grubcatcher, Hailwing, Hardshins, Hoarfoot, Honeyrump, Keenwarble, Longneck, Midgefl ower, Mildgizzard, Mistcall, Mizzledown, Mosswig, Mudcrown, Nettlebeak, Palespeck, Pinfeather, Plumshanks, Proudbill, Pucewattle, Quagbanter, Quickpaddle, Redcrest, Reedmurk, Reedsong, Ringeye, Rosehackle, Ruddy Shoveler, Rudepebble, Rushwallow, Rustmantle, Screwpipe, Shagfl ax, Shrewdbill, Silverhead, Slopbank, Smaltstaff , Spintail, Spleengurgle, Sprypole, Squallheart, Starmolt, Stoutknob, Sungobble, Surefoot, Sweetcall, Swiftlore, Tarscaup, Thricepeal, Thunderthroat, Truedive, Wetnape, Whitetail, Wildwheat, Wisemustard, Woadcheeks, Yellowbelly.