Dungeon Sweepers!:Marcilla
Marcilla, Queen of the Night, or is that Mircalla? Macrilla? Millarca?[edit]
Class: Necromancer
Race: Tartarean
Languages: Middle-Tongue, Abyssal
Str: 9 (-1)
Dex: 16 (+3)
Wis: 18 (+4)
Con: 16 (+3)
Int: 9 (-1)
Cha: 9 (-1)
Derived stats[edit]
HP: 20
Anima: 9
Init: +3
Move: 8
Melee: -1
Range: +3
Magic: +4
Armour: 15
Evasion: 13
Magic: 14
Res: 13
Staff (1d6 dam.) (1 sp)
Dagger x2 (1d4 dam, 20' range) 1 gp x2
Leather Armor (+2 AD, +7 Max Dex) (5 gp)
Sling (1d4 dam., 20' range) (2 sp)
Sling Bullets (20) (2 sp)
Mirror, Silver (4 gp)
The balance went toward her wardrobe and makeup.
Makeup and costuming
One she doesn't admit to
Marcilla appears to be tall and buxom, with dead-black hair, pale skin, and cavernous cleavage spilling out of her figure-hugging black leathers. Her pupils have vertical slits, although they don't seem cat-like, and she has small but noticeable fangs. Closer examination reveals that her boots and hairdo (which is probably a wig) add considerably to her height, and her figure likely benefits from similar enhancement. Similarly, she rarely pronounces her name the same way twice in a row, and she refers to herself in the third person. She does have a competent grasp of basic spell-casting, but "Queen of the Night" is a stretch at this point.
Millcara makes a show of being greedy, arrogant and self-serving, but she stops short of hurting her companions (inconveniencing is okay, within limits).
How she sees herself
How others see her