Dungeon Sweepers!: Rav

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Name: Rav

Class: Barbarian

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 9 stone

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue-grey

Age: 17 years old

Build: Svelte but ropey

Stats(75 +1 Wis +2 Cha for being human)

Str: 14 (+2)

Dex: 16 (+3)

Wis: 11 (/)

Con: 15 (+2)

Int: 10 (/)

Cha: 12 (+1)

Secondary stats:

HP: 22

Anima: 5

Init: +3

Move: 8


Melee: +2

Range: +3

Magic: /


Armour: 10+3+2 = 15 (16 with Shield)

Evasion: 13

Magic: 10

Res: 12

Languages: Common Tongue, Northerner


Leather & Hide Armour (+2AD) 5gp

Longsword (1d8) 6gp

Shield (+1AD) 3gp

Dagger (1d4) 1gp

Skills: Survival (Wilderness), Intimidate, Athletics, Stealth, Swimming, Climbing

Rights & Wrongs: Rav believes in total freedom, even to the point of refusing to do her duty as daughter of the Chieftan. She also hates bullies and stands up for those who can't stand up for themselves, though she feels they should learn to stand up for themselves.

Sins: Proud, Wrathful

Virtues: Kind, Charitable

Background: The daughter of the Chieftan of the Kethrian tribe, she was to be wed off to the son of the chief of the Lorashi tribe. She didn't like this idea at all. Aided by her brother, who always treated her like a little brother instead of a little sister, she stole off into the night, heading south with her weapons, her leather & hides and her freedom.

Rav knows not what she left behind or what the consequences of her actions were, all she knows is that a world of adventure, free of duty, lays ahead of her, begging her to the take it by the throat and make it give her everything she could desire.

Physically she is a slim hipped woman, with a dancers build that belies the actual predator she is. She is fast with her sword as well as her jest. She loves to drink, gamble and fight. But woe to any man who thinks she is some cheap harlot or mistakes her joviality for weakness. He dagger is faster than her sword and she carries a leather pouch that she claims holds the manhood of one who tried to force himself on her.