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The dwarrow are a race from the Midnight rpg setting. Characters who are half gnome and half dwarf are called dwarrow. The background information for this race is "closed content" material, owned by Fantasy Flight Games, and can be found in both the first edition of the Midnight PHB, and in Midnight 2nd Ed. PHB (page 48).


  • +2 Charisma
  • Small size (+1 attack and AC, +4 Hide, carrying is 3/4 of normal)
  • Base speed 20 ft.
  • Darkvision: 60 ft.
  • +1 natural armor, +2 save vs. poison
  • +2 save vs. spells and spell-like effects
  • For all special abilities and effects, dwarrow are considered dwarves and gnomes.

Gnome-Raised Dwarrow[edit]

  • Dwarrow raised among gnomes may treat hand crossbows and inuteks as martial weapons, rather than exotic weapons.
  • Favored Region: Central Erenland.
  • +2 Perform, Profession (boater and sailor), Swim, and Use Rope.
  • Dwarrow may swim at their land speed with a full-round action, and can hold their breath for a number of rounds equal to three times their Constitution score.
  • When involved in trading or smuggling: +2 Appriase, Bluff, Diplomacy, Forgery, Gather Information, and Profession
  • Automatic Languages: Clan Dialect (2), Old Dwarven (1), Trader's Tongue, and any two unrestricted languages at pidgin level.
  • Bonus Languages: any unrestricted languages.
  • Favored Class: Rogue.

Dwarf-Raised Dwarrow[edit]

  • Dwarrow raised among dwarves may choose either dwarven waraxe, dwarven urgosh, or urutuk hatchets; they may treat the chosen weapon as a martial weapon rather than as an exotic weapon.
  • Favored Region: Kaladrun Mountains.
  • A dwarrow can choose either the clan dwarf stonecunning traits or the Kurgun dwarf natural mountaineer traits.
  • +1 dodge bonus to AC against orcs.
  • +2 Appraise and Craft related to stone or metal items.
  • Favored Class: Fighter.
  • Automatic Languages: Clan Dialect, Old Dwarven, Trader's Tongue (1).
  • Bonus Languages: Orcish, other Clan Dialect

Bihlbo 18:59, 8 January 2006 (PST)