ECG Marketing Materials

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Emerald City Gamefest — Proposed list of marketing materials:

Mechante Anemone proposes (10/25/2006):

Aside from the handbills, which Jon is taking care of, I suggest (based on Kev's list, and in decreasing order of priority):

  1. Colour posters, 11"x17" (~20). Why 20? We have exactly 20 entries in the comics & game store list for the entire Puget Sound Area (Database section).
  2. E-mail invitations - Zero cost except effort.
  3. Table stand-up ads/schedules for Third Place Commons (colour, 50): Two per 8.5"x11" page.
  4. Banners (1-3): Kev said he might be able to print these affordably at the Seattle Art Institute.
  5. Signage for the event: Large sandwich board(s) if we can afford them.

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