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Technical 3/Savvy 3/Rough 3/Aerial 2

Attitude: Heel

Height: 6'6"

Weight: 240lb

Weight Class: Heavyweight

Lift DC: 12

Reputation: +5

Abilities: Strength 14 (+2), Dexterity 14 (+2), Constitution 16 (+3), Intelligence 14 (+3), Wisdom 11 (+0), Charisma 15 (+2)

Endurance: 176

Trauma: 16

Base Attack Bonus: +7

Saves: Fortitude +8, Reflex +10; Will +12

Training Background: Mat wrestling (Knowledge Savvy & Perform Promo)

Skills: Balance +5 Bluff +12 Climb +7 Concentrate +7 Diplomacy +11 Intimidate +9 Jump +5 Knowledge (Power maneuvers) +7 Knowledge (Rough maneuvers) +7 Knowledge (Savvy maneuvers) +8 Knowledge (Simple maneuvers) +7 Knowledge (Technical maneuvers) +6 Knowledge (Ladder match) +12 Perform (vignette) +5 Perform (promo) +10 Sense Motive +7 Sleight of Hand +15

Feats: Maneuver Proficiency (Simple, Technical, Savvy, Rough, Aerial, Power); Extra Finisher; Hardcore; Iron Will; Moveset; Opportunist; Signature Move; Skill Mastery (Sleight of Hand); Spectacular Entrance; Tag Team Specialist

Talents: Dirty Player; Hardcore; Instinct; Really Dirty Player; Ring Tactician; Trigger Reflexes; Stomping a Mudhole

Moveset: Missile dropkick, half-nelson facebuster, Edgecator (Indian Deathlock)

Signature Moves: Edgecution/Impaler DDT (Power, 2d6, lift) (+1)

Finishing Maneuver: Spear (Arial/Power, 2d6, knockdown, possible stun on self if missed, 3 Endurance, Possible Stun) (-1)

Biographical Links[edit]

OWW Profile

Wikipedia Profile