Edge of the Rebellion

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A FFG Star Wars RPG Play by Post game being run by rooneg. The game is primarily run using the Age of Rebellion rules, but players are welcome to use content from Edge of the Empire as well.

Helpful Links[edit]

Player Characters[edit]

Koyi "Scrapper" Dura - Ace Pilot (Dawgstar)[edit]

Koyi Dura

Koyi Dura is a bubbly and friendly Twi'lek, who possesses a boundless love for all things that fly in the stars that a single person (or with a co-pilot) can fly, with a near savant-like recall of the specifications of any freighter or starfighter used even in distant memory that is completely at odds with her somewhat chirpy, outgoing and (in the minds of more serious people) a somewhat air-headed demeanor. The young Twi'lek is also a natural behind the stick, and her instructors all agreed that if she stays alive, Koyi has the potential to be a true top-flight ace in the Rebellion's starflighter corps. Koyi comes by her talent honestly - she's been crawling into cockpits since she could, well, crawl.

The pilot never knew her parents, raised as she was by her older siblings, they themselves taken in a by the extended Clan Ecls family group of Sullustans that oversaw the only spaceport on the small planet of Gelgelar. To call Gelgelar a backwater is unkind while at the same time being terribly accurate. It's a swampy, perpetually overcast planet in the Elrood Sector of the Outer Rim that subsists on exports of shvash gas (a cheap but temperamental gas used in lighters) and vohis mold (a food additive that goes great in nerf casserole, but you don't want to be near the stuff until then). For a young, rambunctious Twi'lek, it's small wonder that while she loves her family, both biological and adopted, Koyi also desperately wanted to get off the planet as soon as possible.

While off the beaten starcharts, spacers did come to Gelgelar. Companies are always ready to buy its exports - while the profit isn't much to speak of it can be enough for a down on their luck free trader. The Ecls also run the local starship repair facility, which is top-flight given its limitations. Whenever one did touch down, Koyi was there, cheerfully asking them questions about their ships and how they flew and what they could do and how fast they went, among many, many others. This was either endearing or irritating depending on the trader themselves. Koyi knew she was born to fly in space.

A Rebel cell, fleeing some Imperial entanglements, touched down on Gelgelar to make some hasty repairs. Koyi got to talking with some of them down at the Slippery Eel Cantina and all they had to say was she'd have a chance to fly. Sure, all the Empire stuff is terrible and awful and needs to go down, but she would get it fly. When their freighter took off, it had an extra new passenger. The flight instructors were duly impressed by her raw talent, even if it's sorely in need of tempering. Koyi learned on some old Z-95 Headhunter training models, and was never prouder (seriously, her transmission home took like twenty datapages telling everybody about it) when she got to fly real starfighter actions in the venerable Y-Wing.

Ah, yes, the nickname 'Scrapper' or more often simply just 'Scrap.' It doesn't have to do with a love of violence - Koyi doesn't like fighting, and while she marks her starship kills she doesn't really brag about them - but rather with an incident where her love of flying got in the way of her common sense. Coming in for a landing in her very first live training excercise, Koyi was coming in a hair too fast. This would not be such an issue, but she also forgot to lower the landing struts. "Wow! I didn't know Headhunters could bounce!" was an innocent observation, but not one that pleased her teacher. The months of KP didn't seem to bother her. She'd get to fly again, after all.

Brawn 2 (20)
Agility 4 (70)
Intellect 2
Cunning 2
Willpower 2
Presence 3

Astrogation 1
Charm 1 (Twi'lek)
Cool 1
Gunnery 1 (5)
Mechanics 1 (5)
Pilot (Ground) 1
Pilot (Space) 2
Ranged (Light) 1

Duty: Space Superiority
Wound Threshold: 12
Strain Threshold: 13

Malena Korris- Saboteur (Rogue 7)[edit]

Malena Korris

Character Sheet

"These are desperate times. Me and my crew? We're the desperate measures."

Malena Korris was a young girl when the Empire descended upon Shii. The Emperor, aware of the high prevalence of Force sensitivity among the Togruta, paid special attention to the occupation. There was no history of Force sensitivity in Malena's family, but several of her family members were taken in by the occupation forces and never seen again. Consequently, when Malena was 16, she and her family managed to flee Shii and found refuge on Bothawui- her father having merchant contacts there. Malena had been old enough to understand just what the Empire had done to her home and family. For a few years, she tried to push what she had seen out of her mind and work on building the business her family had started on Bothawui. But the news kept getting worse, and eventually it grew too much to bear. Despite her family's misgivings, Malena began to work with the Bothan SpyNet.

She began at first working as a basic computer tech, cataloguing data and monitoring reports, as well as picking up some basic slicing skills. After some time and training, she pressed her Spynet handlers to give her some more fieldwork.

In the field, Malena showed a talent for infiltration and demolition that soon made her into a valued asset. But even though the SpyNet worked to subvert the Empire, it still didn't take the direct action Malena wanted.

When the Alliance to Restore the Republic was formed, and it began to work with the SpyNet, Malena seized on the opportunity to join up. Since then, she's been able to take the fight to the Empire directly.

Personality: Malena is a woman who loves her work. She's seen the effect the Empire had on her world, and her time with the Rebellion has only reinforced her resolve. She takes a great delight in the destruction of Imperial supplies, starships, and bases. She is generally cheerful and friendly off duty, but constantly maintains an eagerness to get back into the fight, an eagerness that can transform into an obsession if she lets it fester. Her superiors are concerned that she will burn herself out soon.

Brawn 2
Agility 3
Intellect 2
Cunning 4
Willpower 2
Presence 2

Athletics 1
Computers 1
Mechanics 1
Perception 1
Piloting- Space 1
Ranged- Heavy 1
Skulduggery 1
Stealth 1

Wound Threshold: 12
Strain Threshold: 12

Duty: Sabotage 0- Malena believes that the best way that she can contribute to the Rebellion 
and defeat tyranny is to blow the Empire's shit up.

Blaster Rifle
Fusion Cutter
Frag Grenade x4
Stun Grenade x2
Armor Piercing Grenade x2
Padded Armor
Tool Kit
Climbing Gear
Scanner Goggles
Utility Belt
Military Field Manual

Palakwi 'Liz' Torr - Social Slicer (Squidheadjax)[edit]

Aliases: *Nickname: Liz (short for Lizard, the Basic translation of her given name) *Rebel Holonet Personae (and context of use): **Koyi Amersu (revealing Imperial military secrets, disrupting Imperial operations) **Sinya Tarkona (darknet sites, data steals) **Narra Racor (vandalizing Imperial holonet sites, disrupting industrial collaborators) **Ann Tualin (ISB and COMPNOR counter-operations) *‘White Hat’ aliases: **Dia Kairn (freelance tech support, open source advocate) **Misti Roma (Holonet gamer, impersonating human, member of several gaming guilds with significant Imperial Military membership) Liz is a pale green Twi'lek with a round face, a short, soft build, and a personality that starts out quiet but quickly revs up to chatty when given the opportunity. She's learned to charm and fast talk in equal measure to get out of trouble, can slip into and hide almost anywhere despite 'not being one of those dancing girls' and, of course, knows her way around computers and security systems. Her devotion to the Rebellion comes first in her life, but her desire for everyone to know about it comes in a close second. She's eager to air as much of the Empire's dirty laundry as possible, which might lead her to take some risks beyond base mission parameters, but she knows to reign herself in for the sake of her comrades. Usually. Her cell-mates typically wonder when exactly she sleeps, and she has a tendency to build 'nests' of computer equipment and cross-correlated walls-of-conspiracy in maintenance crawlspaces and unused cabins of any ship or base she's at. The slicer grew up on the crime-ridden streets of Teth, under an Imperial government even more corrupt than usual thanks to the influence of the Hutts. She learned to stay out of the way of the dangerous thugs and criminals and disappear in the 'meat' world, but through thievery and determined self-education she carved out a refuge for herself in the Holonet. As her sources of information expanded, so did her awareness that it wasn't just her own home that was terrible under Imperial rule, and imagining joining the Rebellion gave her something to hold on to between risky 'net jobs from the various crime bosses of the planet. When she started noticing the local Imperial forces going into determined counterinsurgency mode, she followed their investigative trails to make contact with the inexperienced rebel cell first and keep them ahead of the stormtroopers. Since then, Liz has been fanatically devoted to the Alliance, barely sleeping as she moves without stopping between trawling the Holonet for Imperial weaknesses and providing infiltration support for Rebel field operations. She maintains a wide and carefully-cultivated presence in galactic social media; though her various aliases and holo-casts only have a few followers as of yet, she dreams of becoming a voice (or rather, a chorus) for the Rebellion. And seeing the Empire collapse in flames. Either way, she wants to be somebody on the galactic stage, albeit somebody she can comfortably retreat from being when needed.
Brawn: 1
Agility: 2
Intellect: 3 (30)
Cunning: 4 (70)
Willpower: 2 
Presence: 3 

Charm 1 (Twi’lek)
Computers 1 
Cool 1 
Deception 1 
Skulduggery 1 
Stealth 2 

Duty: Political Support 2, Sabotage 3
Career: Spy (Slicer)
Motivation: Quest (Freedom)
Wound Threshold: 0/11
Strain Threshold: 0/13
Defense: 1
Soak: 1

Climbing gear
Scanner Goggles
Utility Belt
Hold-out blaster
Slicer Kit
Armor Clothes
Credits: 54

Dajo Zess, Fallen Padawan (Yoda's Free Boat)[edit]

Dajo holding a gun for some reason. Maybe he doesn't like you. Well, I don't like you either. YOu'd better be careful. We're wanted men.

He was taken from his home planet at a very young age (young enough that he doesn't fully remember it). On the way back to the Jedi temple, his master had a great sense of forebooding and decide to instead land on a small planet that didn't have much contact with the rest of the galaxy. A few trips to holonet later, and the master discovered that almost every jedi had been murdered. So he found a small house outside of a main town and raised Dajo like his own; teaching the ways of the jedi.

Dajo still looks back on those days with a smile; they were not rich, but it had been a simple life. But those days couldn't last forever. His master was getting on in years when he'd first found Dajo, and by the time the boy was 15, he had passsed on. Respecting his adoptive father's last words Dajo stashed a few items in his bag and sneaked aboard the first ship that stopped on the planet. He was found of course, but much later than the other stoyaways were. The captain seemed almost impressed, so she put Dajo into the care of a bounty hunter friend. Through him, Dajo learned the tools of the trade and began to take on jobs of his own.

Now, after a few years of going after people for no better reason than he needed the money, Dajo is looking for his higher calling. He feels like he can no longer considers himself a jedi, and he's lost the connection to the force he once had.

Brawn 3
Agility 3
Intellect 2
Cunning 2
Willpower 2
Presence 2

Athletics 1
Brawl 1
Coordination 1
Lightsaber 1
Melee 2
Perception 1
Stealth 2
Vigilance 1

Duty: Recruting
Career: Bounty Hunter (Assassin), Force Exile
MotivationL Belief (The Jedi)
Wound Threshold: 13
Strain Threshold: 12
Defense: 1/1
Soak: 5 

Scanner Goggles
Hold-out blaster
Training Lightsber
Amrored clothes
Heavy clothes

Camie Marstrap - Ace Gunner (Marian)[edit]

Marstrap comes from a backwater's backwater, a rural farming community in the sticks of an already marginal Outer Rim world. A year ago she didn't have anything bigger on her mind than her engagement to a local shopkeeper. The Empire seemed far away.

Then it wasn't. Imperial Stormtroopers showed up, ransacking homes and murdering a local farm family. A high-walled garrison went up at the nearest city, and suddenly you couldn't go into town for some power converters without being accosted by an intimidating white-armored soldier demanding your identification.

Then it got worse. Apparently a couple of her childhood friends had fallen in with the Rebel Alliance, and ISB rounded up everyone who ever knew them for "questioning". Marstrap's fiance emerged from those interrogations a broken man, unable to look her in the eye and wanting nothing more than to keep his head down. But Marstrap, she got angry. It wasn't right, that the Empire could just come in and destroy peoples' lives like that. Maybe it made her a little shallow, that the tyranny of the Empire had to affect her personally before she cared about it. But better late than never.

She traveled to the big city, where the new Imperial garrison was, and got involved in the local underground. There she met a Rebel agent named Tiree who was recruiting for the Alliance. In short order she was going through basic training on a Rebel safeworld. Having grown up on a farm she was physically fit, used to hard work and comfortable with machinery, traits that translated well into being a soldier. Because of her mechanical aptitude she was steered into a heavy weapon specialization. She's grown particularly fond of the Merr-Sonn M-40 and Mark II repeaters. She's also cross-trained on starship and vehicle-mounted weapons, but she's primarily a ground-pounder.

Brawn 4 (70)
Agility 3 (30)
Intellect 2
Cunning 2
Willpower 2
Presence 2

Athletics 1
Cool 1
Mechanics 1
Resilience 1
Survival 1
Gunnery 1
Ranged (Heavy) 2

Duty: Sabotage; "hitting the Empire where it hurts" 
Wound Threshold: 14
Strain Threshold: 12

Weapons & Armor:
M-40 "Thunderbolt" light repeating blaster w/bipod
DL-18 blaster pistol
padded armor (Hoth armor vest and Endor helmet)

commlink, wrist-mounted
emergency medpack
stimpacks (2)
field ration packs (5 days)
extra reloads (2)
utility belt

Ulkar, Mon Calamari Mechanic[edit]

Ulkar was an engineer at the Mon Calamari shipyards before the Empire conquered the planet. When the planet was subjugated, he managed to escape on one of the transports that got out of the system before the Empire locked it down. Since then, he spent time on the Outer Rim, serving as a mechanic at spaceports and on several smuggling vessels. Generally sullen and pessimistic, the Mon Calamari's rebellion against the Empire and the liberation of Dac served as a catalyst to boost his spirits. On hearing the news, he joined the Rebellion as rapidly as he could, after talking an old smuggling friend into dropping him in the Mon Calamari system.

Race: Mon Calamari
Career: Engineer
Specialization: Mechanic

Brawn 2
Agility 3
Intellect 4
Cunning 2
Willpower 2
Presence 2

Athletics 1
Computers 1
Mechanics 2
Perception 1
Piloting (Space) 2
Skulduggery 1
Vigilance 1

Combat Skills
Brawl 1
Ranged (Light) 1

Knowledge Skills
Education 1
Outer Rim 1

Soak 2
Wounds 12
Strain 12
Defense 0

Duty: Tech Procurement 5 - Better tech equals more dead Imps

Light blaster pistol
Heavy clothing
Comlink (handheld)
Glow rod
Utility belt
15 credits

