Edge of the Rebellion/Dajo Zess

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Dajo Zess, Fallen Padawan (Yoda's Free Boat)[edit]

Dajo holding a gun for some reason. Maybe he doesn't like you. Well, I don't like you either. YOu'd better be careful. We're wanted men.

He was taken from his home planet at a very young age (young enough that he doesn't fully remember it). On the way back to the Jedi temple, his master had a great sense of forebooding and decide to instead land on a small planet that didn't have much contact with the rest of the galaxy. A few trips to holonet later, and the master discovered that almost every jedi had been murdered. So he found a small house outside of a main town and raised Dajo like his own; teaching the ways of the jedi.

Dajo still looks back on those days with a smile; they were not rich, but it had been a simple life. But those days couldn't last forever. His master was getting on in years when he'd first found Dajo, and by the time the boy was 15, he had passsed on. Respecting his adoptive father's last words Dajo stashed a few items in his bag and sneaked aboard the first ship that stopped on the planet. He was found of course, but much later than the other stoyaways were. The captain seemed almost impressed, so she put Dajo into the care of a bounty hunter friend. Through him, Dajo learned the tools of the trade and began to take on jobs of his own.

Now, after a few years of going after people for no better reason than he needed the money, Dajo is looking for his higher calling. He feels like he can no longer considers himself a jedi, and he's lost the connection to the force he once had.

Brawn 3
Agility 3
Intellect 2
Cunning 2
Willpower 2
Presence 2

Athletics 1
Brawl 1
Coordination 1
Lightsaber 1
Melee 2
Perception 1
Stealth 2
Vigilance 1

Duty: Recruting
Career: Bounty Hunter (Assassin), Force Exile
MotivationL Belief (The Jedi)
Wound Threshold: 13
Strain Threshold: 12
Defense: 1/1
Soak: 5 

Scanner Goggles
Hold-out blaster
Training Lightsber
Amrored clothes
Heavy clothes