Edge of the Rebellion/Malena Korris

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Malena Korris- Saboteur (Rogue 7)[edit]

Malena Korris

Character Sheet

"These are desperate times. Me and my crew? We're the desperate measures."

Malena Korris was a young girl when the Empire descended upon Shii. The Emperor, aware of the high prevalence of Force sensitivity among the Togruta, paid special attention to the occupation. There was no history of Force sensitivity in Malena's family, but several of her family members were taken in by the occupation forces and never seen again. Consequently, when Malena was 16, she and her family managed to flee Shii and found refuge on Bothawui- her father having merchant contacts there. Malena had been old enough to understand just what the Empire had done to her home and family. For a few years, she tried to push what she had seen out of her mind and work on building the business her family had started on Bothawui. But the news kept getting worse, and eventually it grew too much to bear. Despite her family's misgivings, Malena began to work with the Bothan SpyNet.

She began at first working as a basic computer tech, cataloguing data and monitoring reports, as well as picking up some basic slicing skills. After some time and training, she pressed her Spynet handlers to give her some more fieldwork.

In the field, Malena showed a talent for infiltration and demolition that soon made her into a valued asset. But even though the SpyNet worked to subvert the Empire, it still didn't take the direct action Malena wanted.

When the Alliance to Restore the Republic was formed, and it began to work with the SpyNet, Malena seized on the opportunity to join up. Since then, she's been able to take the fight to the Empire directly.

Personality: Malena is a woman who loves her work. She's seen the effect the Empire had on her world, and her time with the Rebellion has only reinforced her resolve. She takes a great delight in the destruction of Imperial supplies, starships, and bases. She is generally cheerful and friendly off duty, but constantly maintains an eagerness to get back into the fight, an eagerness that can transform into an obsession if she lets it fester. Her superiors are concerned that she will burn herself out soon.

Brawn 2
Agility 3
Intellect 2
Cunning 4
Willpower 2
Presence 2

Athletics 1
Computers 1
Mechanics 1
Perception 1
Piloting- Space 1
Ranged- Heavy 1
Skulduggery 1
Stealth 1

Wound Threshold: 12
Strain Threshold: 12

Duty: Sabotage 0- Malena believes that the best way that she can contribute to the Rebellion 
and defeat tyranny is to blow the Empire's shit up.

Blaster Rifle
Fusion Cutter
Frag Grenade x4
Stun Grenade x2
Armor Piercing Grenade x2
Padded Armor
Tool Kit
Climbing Gear
Scanner Goggles
Utility Belt
Military Field Manual