Edward Avalon

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Physical Stats[edit]

Medium Male Human 10th level Jedi 3/Soldier 6/Gunslinger 1


Edward Avalon was once extraordinarily handsome but the years and parsecs have given him a somewhat grizzled appearance that contrasts with his once beautiful looks. He dresses very much like a typical Space Slinger should with heavy pistol holders, a thick poncho over them, and blast vests with spacer pants. The only hint that he ever was anything more than this is the lightsaber in his holster that looks more like a trophy than a gift.


Embittered by the Jedi Purge and hating the Mandalorians with as much fury as the Sith, Edward Avalon has much anger within him. He blames the Jedi Knights for failing to protect the galaxy from the Dark Side and struggles with his own sense of loss. The only thing he puts his trust in now is his gun. Edward claims only to be interested in making money and is involved in the A New Hope solely because its taking him to worlds that he hopes to exploit.


Edward Avalon is a member of the Firrerreon race. When he was a young boy, an unnamed Jedi Master came to him and adopted him into the ways of the Sith. She proceeded to take him to the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine and there he learned the ways of the Force before becoming her apprentice in later life. He joined her in the Mandalorian Wars and helped protect the Republic from their threat as a Revanchist Jedi. Edward Avalon was the last apprentice of Darth Revan before she turned to the Dark Side of the Force and became Dark Lady of the Sith.

Edward, surprisingly, refused the call of his mentor and lover. Instead, Edward was taken by the Sith's torture droids and tormented until he was to break. Ironically, the young man was eventually able to escape on his own when Revan's fleets were destroyed by Malak in his bid to overthrow the Republic. Excommunicated from the Jedi Order because of his ties to Darth Revan, Edward Avalon's mind suffered severely from the stresses he endured as a Sith and he ended up being captured by the Mandalorians and enslaved. Edward learned much from his captors and eventually turned the tables on them, slaving them and escaping into the galaxy as a whole.

When Edward finally escaped, he found that the Jedi Order had been largely exterminated by the Sith and that Darth Revan had recanted of her evil before disappearing. Worse, the Galactic Republic had abandoned the war against the Sith and made thousands of worlds susceptible to its cruelties. Disillusioned, Edward took the Mandalorian battle techniques he's learned and signed up to become a mercenary and professional duelist. Leaving his past as a Jedi failure behind.

Edward is but one of the many mercenaries hired on the A New Hope for security.

Knights Of The Old Republic III