PC Nickname and NPC Nickname: No one would ever insult an Eldar.
The Eldar are typically humanoids with very fair, almost fairy like features. The Eldar's society has gone through the National Life Cycle many times and currently live in space that is a Limited Autocracy. The Eldar are mysterious and sometimes bewildering to humans. The Eldar were responsible for teaching Man the Riddle of Faster-Than-Light travel.
Physical Characteristics[edit]

Evolution: the Eldar are speculated to be descended from monkey stock by human evolutionists. However, the Eldar scoff at the theory of Evolution stating that they have abandoned the theory before the human Paleolithic Age. They also laugh at human evolutionists in private, and giggle softly in public. Build: The Eldar are strong and sturdy of build, although they are slimmer than humans. Males average 90 kg, and females average 70 kg. Coloring: Very fair earth tones. Most Eldar are dark haired with gray eyes, but a few are blond and blue eyed. Endurance: As cursorial hunters, fit Eldar can run all day. Height: Males average 190 cm, females 180 cm. Life Span: The Eldar can live for an average of 700 years without medical attention. Resistance: The Eldar cannot become sick or scarred and are virtually immune to disease. Special Abilities: Refer to the Elf description in Rolemaster Fantasy Roleplaying or the Rolemaster Standard Rules.
Clothing and Decoration: The Eldar favor rich clothing and fine craftsmanship. Styles range from an analog of the Japanese kimono to the Roman toga, capes are common. The Eldar often have the appearance of great wealth. Technology: Eldar technology -- Computer, Power Generation, and Ship Construction -- is based on trees. Eldar ship hulls are built entirely of wood, and power generation and computer computations are performed by living trees. FTL drive systems still rely on the Birkland Engine or Plasma Slipstream Drive. Eldar ships are not so much constructed as they are grown, carved, and shaped. Fears and Inabilities: Nothing special. Lifestyle: the Eldar are incredibly ordered. They have tried many different government systems, and as stated, they have gone through many life times of Nations and many, many Dark Ages. The Eldar are content with a Limited Autocracy, and they build communities and states on beautiful garden planets. Marriage Patterns: Polygamous and for life. Religion: Thought to be tree worshipers. Actually, the Eldar has really gotten rid of the Church way of religion and prefer communal celebration and personal contemplation. The Eldar are not so much religious as they are spiritual.
Other Factors[edit]
- Demeanor: Regardless of stock, all Eldar are noble of bearing and carry themselves with confidence and assurance. They are thought to be haughty and arrogant, but nothing can be further from the truth. Eldar are very inquisitive and passionate, and are full of a desire for experience and expertise.
- Languages: Starting Languages: Eldar (S10/W10), Draconic (S6/W6), American (S7/W7). Allowed Adolescence Development: Scro Speech (S6/W6), Russian (S6/W6), German (S6/W6), British (S6/W6), Japanese (S6/W6), Xatosian (S7/W7)
- Prejudices: The Eldar hate the Scro, the Valacantha, and the Draconids above all other creatures. Due to their pride, they tend to look down on humans.
- Professions: Any.
- Special Skills: Everyman: Choice of five influence skills; Restricted: none.
- Standard Hobby Skills: Acting, any Armor skills, Artist * Passive skills, Athletic Games, Jumping, Sprinting, Swimming, Alertness, Locate Hidden, Direction Sense, Embroidery [Crafts], History (military history, famous weapons), Jewelry-smithing [Crafts], Languages, Leadership, Survival, Basic Math, Research, Scientific * Specialized skills, Computer Technology, Mechanical Technology, First Aid, Sewing, Singing, any Weapon skills.
Outfiting Options[edit]
Weapons: any of Eldar design. Armor: Any. Money: 2,000 credits.
Background Options[edit]
An Eldar only get 3 background options. Extra Money: Generally in the form of electronic credits. Special Items: Should be of Eldar make. Talent Points: 25