Elegant Terror Ray Fenurn

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Ray Fernun

Indestructible Handyman

PL8 120 Points

Str 14 (+2) (4) Dex 16 (+3) (6) Con 20 (+5) (10) Int 12 (+1) (2) Wis 12 (+1) (2) Cha 12 (+2) (2)

BAB +5 (Ranged +10) (10) BDB +5 (10)

Saves (11) Damage +5 Fortitude +5 + 3 = +8 Reflex +3 +3 = +6 Will +1 + 5 = +6

Skills (13) Acrobatics 4 = +7 Craft (Mechanical) 8 = +9 Carft Structural) 8 = +9 Knowledge (Earth Sciences) 4 = +5 Medicine 4 = +5 Notice 8 = +9 Sleight of Hand 8 = +11 Survival 8 = +9

Feats (20) Accurate Attack All Out Attack Attack Focus 5 (ranged) Equipment 1 (Log Posse - As GPS Receiver but only works for the next island it needs to go to. Telescope - as binoculars. Den-den mushi x 3 - as cell phone, must be fed every 24 hours. Inventor Power Attack Precise Shot 2 Quick Draw Ranged Pin Throwing Mastery 6


Powers The Karma Karma Fruit - lives by the rule of "what goes around comes around"

Healing 8 (Extras - Toatal +1. Flaw - Empathic -1. Drawback - Total power loss in water -3) = 9

Regeneration 16 (Drawback - Total Power Loss in water-3) = 13 Recovery Bonus +4 (4) Recovery Rate - Bruised/Unconscious 1 = No action (6), Injured /staggered = 1 Minute (6)

Reflection Field 3 (Drawback - Total Power Loss in Water-3) = 21

Drawback - Devil Fruit vulnerability

Weakness - Cumulative -1 Penalty on all checks, attack rolls and defense every round in water. Wears off when they are out of water based off drying rate? - 9 Anchor - may not swim at all, amen, goodbye, thank you = contact with water renders the person unable to swim. -3 Points

Attributes = 26 Combat = 20 Saves = 11 Skills = 13 Feats = 20 Powers = 42 Drawbacks = -12


Ray Fenurn was born on a fairly small and out of the way island. Not one that had ever before produced anyone especially famous, the most it had ever done was get a reputation for having good fishing off the coast. Ray had a dream that went far beyond the shores of his home though. He wished to travel, and to become one of the world's great fighters. To that end he left the island to study as a marine, hoping to make a name for himself as part of the World Government's armed forces.

At the academy Ray made a name for himself rapidly, surprising his instructors with his development. He was aided in his learning by two fellow students who had a similar goal to him, each striving to be the best fighter in the group and providing him with a pair of rivals to outdo. The younger of the two, a girl named Sarah, was something of a perfectionist, determined to beat everyone in anything. In all but combat she was successful at this, here outdone by Ray and and Dominic, the other trainee who Ray struggled against.

Whereas his attempts to beat Sarah were merely an absent minded amusement when facing off against Dominic Ray became a lot more focused, bordering on obsessed. Dominic was no better, and often the two had to be forcibly seperated during training. Their fights were initially only seen as a minor problem by the teachers but as they continued with no signs of improving their behaviour they were finally ordered to stop, with the warning that if they ever fought again they would both be expelled.

For a while it seemed this made the point to them. At the very least they held themselves back in training from then onwards, until the day when the graduation ceremony began. As a reward the member of the class deemed to be most suited for it was given a devil fruit as their award, and in their group Dominic was the one given the award. Filled with anger at this Ray challenged him to one final duel, with the devil fruit going to the winner. Both genuinely fought to kill each other, and only the intervention of Sarah held Ray back from finishing Dominic. The other man showed no such sympathy, taking advanatage of the weakness to strike his rival down. Embarassed that he had taken advanatage of this weakness to win Dominic left the fruit with Ray, leaving before he could be expelled. The only message he left was simple. "Come to the Grand Line. We'll meet again there."

Even had he not been expelled Ray would not have waited around after that. The marines had taught him much, and they might have given him the chances he needed to build a reputation for himself, but what mattered more than anything else was beating his old rival.

The devil fruit he had been left Ray refused to touch, swearing to find one himself. Instead he handed the fruit over to Sarah, the only person he admitted where he was going. She was disgusted with their stupidity and swore that she'd arrest them both if she ever saw them again. Indifferent to this threat Ray left, gaze towards the Grand Line and the only none-marine route there, piracy.

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