Elena Marathys
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Name: Elena Marathys
Race: Human Class: Duskblade 1 Size: Medium Type: Humanoid (human) Alignment: Chaotic Good
Ability Scores: STR: 15 base = 15 / +2 DEX: 14 base = 14 / +2 CON: 16 base = 16 / +3 INT: 14 base = 14 / +2 WIS: 10 base = 10 / +0 CHA: 8 base = 8 / -1
Skills (16): Concentration: 4 ranks, 3 CON = +7 Craft (carpentry): 2 ranks, 2 INT = +2 Jump: 2 ranks, 2 STR, -2 armour = +2 Knowledge (arcana): 4 ranks, 2 INT = +6 Ride: 2 ranks, 2 DEX = +4 Swim: 2 ranks, 2 STR, -2 armour = +2
Languages: Common, Elven, Giant
Feats: Racial: Power Attack Level 1: Combat Reflexes
Saves: Fortitude: 2 class, 3 CON = +5 Reflex: 0 class, 2 DEX = +2 Will: 2 class, 0 WIS = +2
Initiative: +2 Base Attack Bonus: +1 Grapple: +3
Attacks: Greatsword: Attack +4, damage 2d6+3, critical 19+ / x2 Javelin: Attack +3, damage 1d6+2, critical 20+ / x3, range 30
Speed: 30ft Reach: 5ft
AC: 10 base, 2 DEX, 4 armour = 16 Touch AC: 12 Flatfooted AC: 14
Hit Points: 11 Hit Dice: 1
Human Traits: Bonus feat at level 1 +4 skill points at level 1, +1 skill point at every other level
Duskblade Traits: Arcane Attunement (Sp): Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Flare, Ghost Sound, usable 5/day (in any combination). Caster level 1. Armoured Mage (Ex): Ignore spell failure chance for light armour & light shields.
Caster Level: 1 (duskblade) Spell Save DC: 12 + spell level Spells Per Day: 3/3
Spells Known: 0: Ray of Frost, Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead, Touch of Fatigue 1: True Strike, Colour Spray
Weapons: Greatsword, 3 javelins Equipment: Chain shirt, spell component pouch, adventurer’s kit Money: 10 GP
History The life of Elena Marathys was nothing unusual to start out with. She grew up in a frontier town in the north, the daughter of a carpenter. She went on to join the town police / militia, responsible for keeping the place safe from the gnolls, ogres, manticores and stranger creatures that sometimes drifted down from the mountains to threaten the settlement.
That changed when the strange new creature arrived, leading an unusually organised war party of minions. It looked like a goblin, but with strangely coloured skin, and stranger powers. When Elena attempted to charge it, it looked at her, and she fell under it’s thrall. She turned on her own men and killed two of them before being taken down herself. The attack was beaten back while she was unconscious.
The experience of having her own will stolen from her shook Elena, and her actions while controlled earned her distrust among her home town, with her fellow soldiers unwilling to follow her orders. A few weeks after the incident, she simply packed her bags, bid her parents farewell, and headed south. She didn’t feel at home there anymore, and she had begun to develop an ambition that couldn’t be fufilled there. She had seen that there were things out there against which she couldn’t protect herself, or anyone else and the knowledge had shocked her to the core. What she needed to do was to find a way to become the most powerful warrior in the world, so that she would never be helpless again.
Elena’s mission took her across several years of wandering, of seeking out something unknown that would let her surpass the limits of what a simple swordswoman could accomplish. Unexpectedly, this came one night at a campsite, while she was travelling with a caravan through the desert. Out of the night came a cloaked figure who claimed to be a nomad seeking some warmth for the night. They got to talking, and he enquired as to what she was looking for.
After hearing Elena’s story, he thought for a bit, and then took a book out of his backpack. Offering it to her, he said “Maybe this can help you.”. When Elena looked around to ask what he meant, he was gone. But inspection of the book showed that it was indeed what she had sought, a training manual revealing an obscure fighting style that fused magic and swordplay.
It took months of training away from civilisation to unlock the secrets in the book, but they eventually came through. Elena was finally armed with what she had been seeking, a magical edge. But what to do with it? She decided to seek out the mysterious nomad, to thank him for his aid, and see what else he could teach her, and to start seeking out great challenges to test herself against. But quests require money, which was why she ended up in Diamond Lake, helping to hatch a scheme to go dungeoneering.
Appearance: Elena is a human woman, in her mid-twenties. She is of average height with a powerful, wiry build, with white skin, mid-length brown hair, and blue eyes. When expecting trouble, she will usually be wearing armour and carrying a greatsword.
Personality: Elena is driven by the goal of testing herself, and pushing her limits as far as they can go. Although her ultimate motivation for this is to become strong enough to oppose the great evils of the world and protect others, the thrill of conflict and victory is often enough in itself. She dislikes subterfuge and deception, and can sometimes be uncomfortably blunt with what she says. She respects independence and competence in others, having little patience for those who don’t pull their weight.
Plot Hooks: Challenges, protecting the innocent, finding her mysterious tutor.