Eli Blackthorn Spells
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Powers {4}[edit]
- 3 Ritualist
- 1 Hypnotism
Amber level allows one to memorize 20 cantrips.
Anatomics | Blend | Blind | Catfall | Catfeet | Chain |
Chill | Clean | Color | Dampen | Dust | Enrich |
Exterminate or Zap | Extinguish | Firefinger | Float | Gather | Gun |
Heat | Haunting | Knot | Know Direction | Legerdemain | Mend |
Page Light | Purify Water | Sharpen | Shield | Slip | Speed |
Stitch | Sober | Stumble | Temperature | Tie | Turn Page |
Unseen Hand | Weathertell | Werelight (or Bluelight) | Control Flames | Create Bonfire | Druidcraft |
Frostbite | Guidance | Gust | Infestation | Magic Stone | Mending |
Mold Earth | Poison Spray | Primal Savagery | Produce Flame | Resistance | Shape Water |
Shillelagh | Thorn Whip | Thunderclap | Transcribe |
- Shadowwalking: The power to shadowwalk in all the levels of the Shadowlands
- Immortality: Istari Immortality
- Improved physical attributes: Raises a human to chaos rank stats
- Immunity to illness: Complete immunity to sickness
- Immunity to magic used by the undead.
- Immunity to lycanthropy
- Regeneration
- Immunity to poison.
- Accumulation of Skill.
- Increased Memory
- 1 Bartender
- 2 Brawling +1
- 3 Bypass traps
- 4 Detect good and evil 50%
- 5 Dagger defense +1
- 6 Dagger throwing accuracy+5%
- 7 Fist+2
- 8 Jimmy portals
- 9 Locksmith basic
- 10 Move silently 50%
- 11 Tie up with ropes basic
- 12 Short Sword defense +1
- 13 Juggle Basic
- 14 Read extra language
- 15 code cipher making basic
- 1 Mixologist
- 2 Bow +10%
- 3 Bypass traps +75%
- 4 Brawling +2
- 5 Dagger defense +2
- 6 Dagger throw +10%
- 7 Double dagger draw basic
- 8 Escape from restraints basic
- 9 Game of Skill +15%
- 10 Juggle +30%
- 11 Lip reading +50
- 12 pick locks +60&
- 13 pick pockets 60%
- 14 Slight of hand +80%
- 15 Streetwise +20%
- 1 Chemist
- 2 bow+15%
- 3 Brawl +3
- 4 Code and cipher making+2
- 5 Code cipher breaking+1
- 6 Slight of hand 90%
- 7 Dagger sure strike x3
- 8 Dagger throw +15%
- 9 Entertaining+c
- 10 Escape from restraint da%
- 11 Jewelry smithing +20%
- 12 jungle +60%
- 13 Locksmithing +20%
- 14 Pick locks+75%
- 15 pick pockets+75%
- 1 alchemy minor
- 2bow +20%
- 3code making +3i
- 4 code breaking +2i
- 5Dice manipulation +75%
- 6Entertaining +2c
- 7Hiest from pack and bundles +50%
- 8Lip reading+75%
- 9Pick pockets +90%
- 10 streetwise+40%
- 11Slight of hand +95%
- 12taste analysis identity
- 13
- 14
- 15
- 1 Alchemy Duplicate Common
- 2 bow +critical.
- 3Code making+3i
- 4code break +2i
- 5Escape from restraints +3da
- 6Forgery +80%
- 7Juggle +90%
- 8Game of skill +30%
- 9Locksmithing +40%
- 10Move silently +60%
- 11Pick locks +90%
- 12pick pocket +95%
- 13
- 14Slieght of hand +99%
- 15
Thievish Tops[edit]
- 1 Alchemy Duplicate Common
- 2 Bow +critical.
- 3 Code making+3i
- 4 Code break +2i
- 5 Escape from restraints +3da
- 6 Forgery +80%
- 7 Juggle +90%
- 8 Game of skill +30%
- 9 Lock smithing +40%
- 10 Move silently +60%
- 11 Pick locks +90%
- 12 pick pocket +95%
- 13 Taste analysis identity
- 14 Slight of hand +99%
- 15 streetwise+40%
- 16 Dice manipulation +75%
- 17 Entertaining +2c
- 18 Heist from pack and bundles +50%
- 19 Lip reading+75%
- 20 Jewelry smithing +20%
- 21 Juggle +60%
- 22 Dagger sure strike x3
- 23 Dagger throw +15%
- 24 Entertaining+c
- 25 Brawl +3
- 26 Bypass traps +75%