Emira Yasmin Miriam Alhazred

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Abilities: [32 pp]

STR 8 DEX 24 CON 12 INT 12 WIS 8 CHA 28

Skills: [14 pp] Diplomacy 11 Notice 11 Perform 11 Profession (schoolgirl) 4 Sense Motive 11 Search 4 Swim 4

Feats: [19 pp] Dodge Focus 6 Elusive Target Evasion 2 Improved Initiative 1 Instant Up Redirect Set-Up Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Notice, Sense Motive) Uncanny Dodge (visual) Bishoujo Kawaii

Kombat Stats: [0 pp] Toughness: +6 (+1 CON, +5 Defensive Roll) Reflex: +7 (+7 Dex Fortitude: +1 (+1 CON) Will: -1 (-1 WIS) Attack Bonus: +0 Defense Bonus: +6 (dodge bonus) Initiative: +11

Powers: [19 pp] Music of the Spheres Immunity 10 (to all mental effects)

Spawn of the Stars Immunity 4 (vacuum, cold, suffocation) (4 PP)

Protection 5 (5 pp)

Ai-Kun 150/150 MP

Hard To Lose Device 30 (120 PP, 150 MP granted)

Base Frame (13 MP)

Size: Large (13 mp) Speed: 35 feet

STR: 18 DEX: 12 (2 mp)

Handling modifier: -1 +1 (Dex) = 0 Toughness= +14 (14 Impervious)

Feats [15 mp] Attack Specialisation 7 (Blasphemous Limb Rearrangement) Dodge Focus 8

Systems (11 MP) Enviro Seal 10 (10 MP) EM Seal 4 (Insubstantial shit (0.8 MP) Imp. Control Interface (0.2 MP)

Movement Systems (22 MP) Teleport 5 (Easy and Turnabout teleport) (12 MP) Flight 5 (10 MP) Space Travel 1 (1 MP)

Sensors/Comms (4.4 MP) Base Comms 5 (1 MP) Base Sensors Awareness (Mythos shit, 1) + Blindsight - Mythos Sensing Shit (4) + Accurate (2) + Acute (1) + Extended Blindsight 8 (8) + Danger Sense (Blindsight) (1) (total 3.4 MP)

Defence / Countermeasures (43.6 MP)

Impervious Protection 14 (28 MP) Regeneration 10 (12 MP) - +5 Recovery Bonus (mecha can make recovery checks at +2) - +3 Recovery Rate (bruised or staggered; recovers from Bruised every round) - +4 Recovery Rate (injured or staggered; recovers from Injured every round) Reactive Armor (3 Lazers 3 Missiles) (3.6 MP)

Targeting System (0.2 MP) IFF System (0.2 MP)

Weapons (45 MP)

Mental Weapon 14 (42 + 3 MP Mental Weapon -2 MP/rank Poisonous +1 MP/rank AP x3 +3 MO

Strike 14 (42 MP) Vampiric +1 MP/rank Penetrating +1 MP/rank

Snare 10 (40 MP) FUll Action -1 MP/rank Perception +1 MP/rank Regen +1 MP/rank Shapable +1 MP/rank

Blast 10 (40 MP) Perception +1 MP/rank Penetrating +1 MP/rank