Episode Guide - Arc 0

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A D V E N T U R E !
"Planet Zero will DIE!!"

In 1950: Bruce Heezen and Marie Tharp discovered the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which was central in the breakup of Pangaea that began some 180 million years ago. Mostly underwater the mountain range of the Atlantic Ocean and Arctic Ocean runs from 87°N (about 333 km South of the North Pole) to subantarctic Bouvet Island at 54°S. The highest peaks of this mountain range extend above the water mark, to form islands. It was on Bouvet Island that they found a strange steel "capsule" with these words etched into it...
"Bubblegum Robinson, He needs your aid! He waits with Queen Baoht at Biban Al-Harim. Planet Zero will DIE!! ...MCCXXXI/MCMLVI"


In late 1951, Francis Crick started working with James D. Watson at Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge in England. Using a mathematical theory of X-ray diffraction by a helical molecule, Watson and Crick together developed a model for a helical structure of DNA, which they published in 1953. What Dr. Crick and Watson kept private was that this find also lead to a message found within the DNA strands themselves! Deciphered it read:
"Doctor Kessler, He needs your aid! He waits with Queen Baoht at Biban Al-Harim. Planet Zero will DIE!! ...MCCXXXI/MCMLVI"

In 1952, fishmonger - Captain Martin Braun discovered the remains of a Viking ship near Boston, Massachusetts. Hangman Island in Quincy Bay was where "x" marked the spot, the barren outcrop of bedrock known prior only for the large sanctuary for birds revealed the upturned hull found just beneath the course shore. Within the cavity of the vessel Braun found a tomb-like chest containing several plunders along with a steel chalice with this inscription:
"Maxwell Marshall, He needs your aid! He waits with Queen Baoht at Biban Al-Harim. Planet Zero will DIE!! ...MCCXXXI/MCMLVI"

In 1953, Joe 4 (Warhead name: RDS-6s (Reaktivnyi Dvigatel Stalina; Stalin's Rocket Engine) was the first Soviet test of a thermonuclear weapon. Not a "true" hydrogen bomb, it was similar to a "boosted" fission bomb rather than a multi-stage, megaton-range fusion weapon. Soviet physicist Yuli Khariton estimated that Joe 4's yield power was roughly equivalent to 400 kilotons of TNT. Strangely this detonation uncovered a portion of mantle layered with a steel plate with an inscription reading:
"Lucy Lester, He needs your aid! He waits with Queen Baoht at Biban Al-Harim. Planet Zero will DIE!! ...MCCXXXI/MCMLVI"

It is now late 1956 and these messages have been gathered by The Lazarus Trust... This small cell of American "heroes" has been contacted and arranged.

Adventure awaits as our Z-children face the the Sand Crystal Pyramid Beast to find their way to the stars to save Earth!!

Thursday, 6:30pm
August 31, 2006


ADVENTURE!: Tales from Planet Zero