Character Details[edit]
Name: Seamus MacSeals
Age: 32
Virtue: Justice
Vice: Greed
Concept: Open minded, self indulgent, reserved past
Group Name: Extreme Predjudice
Size: 5
Speed: 10
Defense: 4
Initiative Mod: 7
Experience: 0
Health: 9#
Willpower: 4#
Hair: Red
Eyes: Grey Blue
Sex: Male
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 170
Race: Caucasian
Nationality: Irish
Build: Athletic
Dress: Flat cap, sports jacket, shirt, blue jeans, shoes
I was born in a small village in Ireland. I never knew my father; he walked out on my mother before I was even born. My mother, Gael MacSeals, gave me a decent life. I was very interested in computers and studied them often. I also had a small interest in guns, but never had the motivation to actually get one. When I was sixteen, my mother past away from epilepsy. I became very self destructive, and fell in with a cult. This cult taught me not only how to work a pistol, but also how to work a lock. I became very good at picking locks. We committed crimes such as theft, breaking and entering, and assault. No one in the cult had any real nerve to commit murder, though. I was arrested for multiple crimes, and finally saw the light of day around the age of twenty.
Afterwards I moved to San Diego, California, where I got a simple desk job. I continued my study of computers until, and became quite good at understanding software. One day and old buddy of mine, Sean O'Brien, approached me. He had been out of the cult for years, and had been working for a criminal agency, who's nature and named have not been revealed to me even to this day. He had freelance work for me as an infiltration specialist, focusing in lock picking and hacking. I have all the money I need to have me set up pretty well until I die of lung cancer or liver cancer, which ever comes first. I am on my way out of the criminal world, and plan to settle down, maybe get a wife. Or a dog.
Intelligence: ●●○○○
Wits: ●●●●○
Resolve: ●○○○○
Strength: ●○○○○
Dexterity: ●●●●○
Stamina: ●●●●○
Presence: ●●○○○
Manipulation: ●○○○○
Composure: ●●●○○
Academics: ○○○○○
Computer: ●●●●● Super Surfer
Crafts: ○○○○○
Investigation: ○○○○○
Medicine: ○○○○○
Occult: ●○○○○
Politics: ○○○○○
Science: ○○○○○
Athletics: ●●○○○
Brawl: ○○○○○
Drive: ○○○○○
Firearms: ●●○○○
Larceny: ●●●●○
Stealth: ●●●●○ Backstab
Survival: ○○○○○
Weaponry: ○○○○○
Animal Ken: ○○○○○
Empathy: ○○○○○
Expression: ○○○○○
Intimidation: ○○○○○
Persuasion: ○○○○○
Socialize: ○○○○○
Streetwise: ●●○○○
Subterfuge: ●●●○○ Perfect Disguise
Gaelic: ●●●
English: ●●●
Quick Draw: ●
Unseen Sense: ●●●
Resources: ●●●●
Addiction: Smoking
Name of Weapon (Dice Mod; Range; Clip; Size; Attachments) Makarov 2; 15/30/60; 10+1; 1; 1/P
Name of Equipment (Durability; Structure; Size; Cost)