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Name: Ethrin Race: Half Elf Class: Sorcerer level 2 Age: 23 Height: 5’ 8” Weight: 148 lbs Hair: Brown Eyes: Green Alignment: Neutral Evil

Abilities: STR: 9 (-1); DEX: 12 (+1); CON: 12 (+1); INT: 14 (+2); WIS: 10 (+0); CHA: 18 (+4)

Saves: Fort: 1 (0 base+1 Ability mod); Reflex: 1 (0 base+1 Ability mod); Will: 3 (3 base+0 Ability mod)

Combat: Initiative: +1; BAB: +1; Ranged attack: +2; Melee attack: +0 Armor Class: Touch 11; Flat footed 10 HP: 8

Skills: 2 + Int (Class skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Intimidate, Knowledge Arcana, Profession, Spellcraft) Bluff: 8 (4 ranks + 4 mod) Concentration: 4 (3 ranks + 1 mod) Craft Alchemy: 4 (2 ranks + 2 mod) Diplomacy: 6 (0 ranks + 4 mod + 2 racial) Gather Information: 6 (0 ranks + 4 mod + 2 racial) Intimidate: 7 (1 ranks + 4 mod + 2 crime bonus) Knowledge: Arcana 5 (3 ranks + 2 mod) Knowledge: Nobility (1 rank + 2 mod) Perception: 2 (0 ranks + 0 mod + 2 racial) Sense Motive (cc) 1 (1 ranks + 0 mod) Spellcraft: 5 (3 ranks + 2 mod)

Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven, Halfling

Feats: Eschew materials (no material component worth less than 1 gp needed for spells)

Spells per day: 0 level = 6. 1st level = 5 (4 + ability mod bonus) Spells Known: 0 level = 5, 1st level = 2 0 level: Ghost Sound, Mage Hand (5lbs), Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Read Magic 1st level: Lesser Orb of Acid (Conj, V+S, ranged touch attack 25’ + 5’/2 levels, 1d8 acid + 1d8 per 2 levels max 5d8, save none, SR no) 1st level: Shocking Grasp (Evoc, V+S, Touch attack, 1d6 per level max 5d6, save none, SR yes)

Racial Abilities: Immunity to Sleep spells and effects Low Light vision +2 bonus on saves vs Enchantment spells and effects +2 bonus on Perception +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information Automatic languages: Common and Elven

Other: Convicted of Attempted Murder. Gain Intimidate as Class Skill and receive a +2 bonus

Background: Ethrin is not native to Talingarde, having immigrated there as a teenager after an incident caused him to leave. This incident was considered an accident by the investigators. The truth of the matter is far more complex. There was a young human woman there named Orisha. At 17 years of age, she was a year older than Ethrin. They were both apprentices at the same Alchemist. Orisha was a much better student than he was which made him intensely envious. One day he decided to sabotage one of her mixtures by switching the labels on an ingredient. When heated, this caused a small explosion resulting in damage to the shop. There was an investigation which revealed the switched labels and the fact that Ethrin had done it. The master and the investigators both declared it to be an accident since it was absurd that anyone would intentionally switch the labels. Feeling he had no future there, he left. He traveled to many lands and earned a few coins here and there by assisting in a few schemes and participating in an adventure or two, never staying in one place for long. Eventually he found his way to Talingarde.

By now he had reached the age of 23. It wasn’t long before a fair maiden named Talia caught his attention. She was a raven haired beauty and the daughter of an important merchant. He sent her letters, poems, and other tokens of his affection. She thought it was sweet but was being courted by a young Baron who had recently inherited the title from his deceased father. The Baron was a strapping young man, rich, powerful, and talented with a sword. Ethrin knew to win over Talia he needed to get the Baron out of the way forever. His first effort failed. He had paid a stablehand to cut through the straps on the saddle of the Baron’s horse. Unfortunately the Baron survived. His next attempt was even bolder. Ethrin befriended a maid at the Baron’s house. One day he gave her a small vial of ‘special seasoning’ to add to the Baron’s food. The special seasoning worked wonders. Too bad the Baron had invited the local head of the church of Pelor over for dinner. The cleric was able to prevent the death of the Baron. All the household servants were questioned using various methods including spells. The maid broke under questioning and provided Ethrin’s name. He was quickly arrested and thrown in prison awaiting execution for attempted murder.