Europa unchained:Scudamore Cheese
Refresh: 5
Fate Points: 3
7 unspent points
High Concept: Hyaenodon-Man Paleo-Geneticist
Science: Nothing mankind was not meant to know
Hyaenodon Man: Nothing mankind was not meant to know
Action: Protect the samples!
Omega: Pie-Smith
Modes & Skills:[edit]
Science (+3) Biochemistry (+4), Food Chemistry (+4), Genetics (+5), Notice (+5), Paleontology (+5)
Hyaenodon Man (+2) Athletics (+3), Physique (+3)
Action (+1) Combat (+2), Vehicles
Physical [x] 2] [3][4]
Mental [1][2][3]
Mild [2]: _________________________
Moderate [4]: _____________________
Severe [6]: _______________________
Puissant Raiment of Lorica Unchained
Bulletproof: Weakness to sound
Camouflage: near invisibility, but only when standing still, and needs a stealth roll
Camouflage, whilst moving: Needs Stealth roll, but difficulty is no more than two
Wall-climbing +2 to overcome or create advantage with Athletics on any climb
Scudamore’s Healing Pies gives recipient a +2 rolls for recovery from any illness or injury, open eating an entire pie