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Kerberos Club The Long Secret
Eva, a small, slender youth with hair the appearance, and substance of pitch, and eyes made out of coal.


An unaging, immortal girl, stuck like a butterfly on a pin and keep by her Keeper for amusement, worn, and then discarded little a tired old glove.

A glove that bleeds reality, and can never, ever die.

Humble Beginnings[edit]

She worked in a mine, the deep, black coal mines, that swallow a body up, and cough them out later, after eating, black and strewn with death. Day in, day out, all day, every day, not an end in sight, until death, and then release, if she was lucky. Condemned to the same black hell, until her death, which would bring release.

Follies of Youth[edit]

Knowledge was forbidden. But, damned to a waking, walking hell already, what more could they do to her, short of death? And so, she stole through the night, time after time, seeking forbidden lore whilst all others slept, to appease the relentless cravings in her mind. Time and time again, she found pieces to a puzzle, one stretching beyond what she could comprehend, always just out of her grasp. Not yet, they seemed to whisper, not yet.

First Awakenings[edit]

She knew it would happen. The morning of, she dreamed of it, exactly how the walls would shake and crumble, how the horrid, dying screams of men, woman, and children would sound, and how the darkness would part, and something even darker than the pitch-black coal that coated her would come through. She went anyway. Just like she dreamed, the earthquake happened, the walls came tumbling down, and the darkness parted.

Mysterious Origins[edit]

She doesn't remember all that well what happened, nor does she have any evidence, for her body healed all wounds, and her mind scabbed over her memories quite efficiently. Even time, usually unstoppable, did not march on for her. She arrived at the same moment she left, an eternity in-between. She left, then, crawling out of the mines, discarded by her former keepers, but still possessed of what that was put into her.

Great Failing[edit]

Boredom. She discovered, quickly, that she could bleed, be crushed, and her bones broken, but all the ills and injures that befell her healed, instantly. Nothing would slay her, and so, she resolved to wait for the world to end. The room she slumbered in grew caked with dust, then pitch, then coal, turning darker and blacker as she sleep. The darkness grew, and she dreamed, again, of a world bathed in flames, forever turned by something she dare not name. Then, despite herself, as the darkness parted, she spoke the name, the name that started this all. The darkness went away, but only for a while. It has until the end of time, and after, and all the times before and after.


Body: 1d
Coordination: 2d
Sense: 2d
Mind: 4d
Charm: 1d
Command: 4d

Base Will: 5
Willpower: 5


Stability 1d, (-/-/-; 1 per Die) (Command)
Black Sheep: 4d, (B/F/-; 3 per Die)
Brush with Occult Horrors: 5d, (B/F/-; 3 per Die)
Escaped Slave: 2d, (B/F/-; 3 per Die)
Evil Temper: 5d, (B/F/-; 3 per Die)
Songs of War: 2d, (B/F/-; 3 per Die)
Street Urchin: 1d, (B/F/-; 3 per Die)
Kerberan: 1d, (-/-/I; 2 per Die)


Fight against the coal-pitch darkness: 5


Source: Conduit
Permissions: Power Theme (an (ex-)Other's puppet glove and plaything)
Intrinsics: Unhealing

Immortal 2hd (3 per Die: 12)
Useful (death cannot keep me long)
Extras: Native Power +1, Permanent +4.
Flaws: Always On -1, Attached (immune to aging) -2, Self-Only -3.
Effect: Upon death, this miracle returns Eva to life instantly, healing the minimum damage needed to do so. Capacity: Self.

Useful (immune to aging)
"Dud" power.

Useful (regeneration)
Extras: Engulf +2, Native Power +1, Permanent +4.
Flaws: Always On -1, Attached (death cannot keep me long) -2, Attached (immune to aging) -2, Self-Only -3.
Effect: Heal width in Shock and Killing damage on every hit location each round you have an injured hit location. Capacity: Self.

I Bleed, Reality

Aces 1d+9wd (- per Die; - points)
Attacks (aces)
Extras: Augment +4, Native Power +1.
Flaws: Attached (death cannot keep me long) -2, Attached (immune to aging) -2, Attached (regeneration) -2.
Effect: See "Aces." Capacity: Self.
Defends (aces)
Extras: Augment +4, Native Power +1.
Flaws: Attached (death cannot keep me long) -2, Attached (immune to aging) -2, Attached (regeneration) -2.
Effect: See "Aces." Capacity: Self.
Useful (aces)
Extras: Augment +4, Native Power +1.
Flaws: Attached (death cannot keep me long) -2, Attached (immune to aging) -2, Attached (regeneration) -2.
Effect: See "Aces." Capacity: Self.