Eve of Flame:Rajmaer Shaw

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Rajmaer (Raj) Shaw[edit]


Body 3 - Athletics 2, Endurance 1, Fight 5, Vigour 1,

Coordination 1 -

Knowledge 4 - Counterspell 2, Lore 1, Tactics 1, Strategy 1, Language (Imperial) MD, Language (Pahar) ED, Sorcery 4+MD, Student of Cartography 1, Student of Political Philosophy 1

Command 2 - Intimidate 2+1

Sense 2 - Direction 1, Sight 1, Eerie 1

Charm 2 - Fascinate 2, Lie 3

Advantages (19): Followers (5): Stormtongue adepts and acolytes. Status (3): Winged Archmage of Pahar Flawless Stormtongue Alignment (5) Leather Hard (5) Wealth (1): Modest academic

Esoteric Disciplines (6): "Military Deceit": General Winter (1), Liar's Gambit (2), Whirlpool Lure (3)

Spells (16): Whirlwind (3), Minor Lightning Strike (3), Greater Lightning Strike (4), Fog Cloud (4), Weather Change (5), Updraft (6)


A burly and impressive looking man, Rajmaer leads the academy through a combination of force of will and scholarly excellence. He travelled widely in his youth, updating many of the outdated maps of the Empire. He is somewhat crude in both academic style and physical action; his arguments are cuttingly effective rather than winningly sophisticated, and he tends to be somewhat clumsy. Raj does not have many social graces. This does not mean that he is not likeable (in Pahar there is a cultural fondness for brash personalities) but it does make him somewhat out of place in political spheres, where he has more than a passing interest.

The Stormtongue Academy of Pahar[edit]


Might 2 A force of flying lightning hurlers is nothing to be sniffed at. On the other hand, they lack any proper military training; for the most part they are academics, not warriors.

Treasure 0 In a relatively isolated region of Pahar, subsisting off meagre fees and the occasional donation, the academy has been essentially bankrupt for some time.

Influence 2 The scholars of Pahar's Stormtongue Academy are well known for their meteorology and cartography, but have few contacts outside that field who are not alumni.

Territory 2 An ancient and extensive stone building on a defensible rocky crag, surrounded by a busy village.

Sovereignty 3 Beyond the fact that the academy is one of the few places where people with wings can really feel at home, there is a great deal of academic cameraderie. Furthermore, the Pahar stormtongues are almost universally united by their common goal of establishing an independent democratic Pahar. Their sovereignty would be even higher but for the existence of a few monarchist and unificationist radicals.

Assets: Mass Appeal (When rolling Terr+Tre to raise Sov, or Sov+Terr to raise Mig, reduce Difficulty by 1): Acolytes have a tangible reason to be loyal (to learn!) and the academy's patriotic Paharism makes them well liked by the peasants.

Irregular Forces (+2d to Mig+Inf rolls to escape after unconventional attacks): Perhaps its the extent to which they know the territory through a combination of familiarity and cartography. Or maybe its the fact that most Stormtongues can simply fly away from danger. Either way, members of the academy are hard to catch.


The Stormtongue Academy of Pahar has a long history. Given the region's aptitude for spellcasting, it is hardly surprising that the academy is of some renown. Its scholars are noted for their wisdom, and there are few (if any) places on Heluso where cartography and meteorology are so fully understood. Nevertheless, it has fallen on hard times since losing its royal funding thanks to its democratic sympathies. The Stormtongues are a close knit group, where political philosophy is a favourite topic of debate. In the times of the Blaze the call for an independent democratic Pahar will inevitably be a popular one, and one which the Winged Archmage will be keen to support. However, between Paharian monarchists and Imperial unificationists this dream may be a long way away.