Excerpts From the Journal of Samuel Elohim Thackery

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Being the Journal of Samuel Elohim Thackery
DD, PhD, MA Esq

Another boring event at Pickies. Botheration. Wife fat bore; daughter delight, but trouble magnet. Some Irish booze hound to share parlour tricks centered around etheric fakery.

Irish fakir every bit disreputable as reported, but drunken street brawling training handy in fight. Pickie's protege had missing daughter, some Chinee business in Whitechapel. Botheration. Shot old man and Coolie Buck. Old lady with evil eyes not shot, due to poor judgment of group consensus.

Little goddaughter picked up new suitor. Charming fellow, handy with the money purse. Persistant bugger, Irish lout with cash... but with cash. Must clear his lines of attack, get the girl married so Piggie Pickie can stop retaining so much water and let it leak from eyes.

Bounder tried to buy me, and on cheap. Enlisting aid of Mad and Madder, the hatter couple with the infernal thermometers. Street charlatan bounder extortionist in for a cut. Mercenary bunch; milk of human kindness turning to Spanish cheese.

Accumulating evidence that Irish chappie with money is supernaturally awful, Irish chappie with the outstretched hand some sort of idiot savant of stirring etheric trouble, and Mad and Matter hatter are poisoners. Since taken Holy Orders, will of necessity have to take all in hand and extract god daughter from latest romantic disaster. Botheration!

Evil bounder is Vampyre, like some Eastern European plot device. Mesmeric properties, and no respect for the cap and gown. Uneducated blighter. Noblesse Oblige thing of past; aristocracy duty to put end to Rumery vampyres before the infect our lower orders and Irish rabble. Botheration.

Off to Kent to put paid the Irish bounder. Dublinshire fakir will have a hand, probably hand held out for excessive pay. Cannon fodder, hopefully. Regret payment up front. Mad and Madder hatter along for trip, slow runners with all the accoutrements of mad science so will have uses. Blind sister perfect dupe to cheese the trap with goddaughter and put paid this churl.

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