Exiles Mimic

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Exiles Mimic (PL 17)

Init +11; Defense 23 (16 flat-footed); Spd 30 ft., Flight 50 ft.; Atk +8 melee (+11S or +13L/5’ reach/crit 20, punch or claws); Atk +9 ranged (+7/100’ range/crit 20; Energy Blast); Dmg +6 (Evasion +9) [+5 Protection], Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +4; HP 9; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 16 [60]

Skills: Acrobatics +10, Balance +10, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +6, Hide +8, Intimidate +12, Jump +12, Knowledge (Trivia) +6, Listen +10, Move Silently +8, Piloting +8, Science (Biology) +6, Search +10, Sense Motive +7, Spot +10, Survival +10 [32]

Feats: Accurate Attack (from Cyclops), Aerial Combat (from Angel), All-Out-Attack(from Wolverine), Assessment, Attractive, Expertise (from Beast), Heroic Surge, Indomitable Willpower (from Professor X), Inspire*, Leadership*, Move-By-Attack (from Angel), Power Attack (from Colossus), Photographic Memory (from Beast), Point Blank Shot (from Cyclops), Precise Shot (from Cyclops), Psychic Awareness (from Jean Grey), Takedown (from Colossus), Talented [Knowledge and Science] (from Beast), Rapid Takedown (from Colossus), Surprise Strike (from Wolverine), Whirlwind Attack (from Wolverine) [40]

Powers: Mimic +10 [Extras: All Attributes; Continuous; Expanded Power x6. Extra Attributes x2 (feats and skills); Extra Targets x4; Range (Normal); Flaws: Excluded [Source: Mystical, Super-Science]; Half Effect; Partial-Slow/Permanent; Source: Mutation; Cost: 14pp; Total: 140 pp] [140]

Mimicked Powers -

Colossus: Alternate Form-Metal +5 [Effect: Super-Strength, Protection, Immunity (cold, heat, kinetic, radiation, suffocation); Extras: Impervious; Power Stunts: Iron Will]

Cyclops: Energy Blast +7 [Extras: Deflection, Multifire; Range-Sight]

Wolverine: Regeneration +5 [Extras: Immunity (Aging, Chemicals, Disease, Poison, Exhaustion)], Natural Weaponry +2 [Penetrating Attack], Super-Senses +5 [Power Stunts: Scent, Ultra-Hearing]

Northstar: Flight +10 [Power Stunts: Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Rapid Strike, Super-Flight (not in alternate form)]

Beast: Super-Dexterity +4 [Extras: Super-Constitution, Super-Strength; Power Stunts: Dodge; Evasion, Improved Grapple, Improved Trip, Instant Stand]

Weaknesses: Susceptible/Limited [-2] – Gamma Irradiated Creatures/Characters, but only when a mimic slot is open. Driven [-10] – Full-fledged, goes melancholy at the loss of innocent life or if he believes the good fight is in vain. Unlucky [-5] – I give all the Exiles this, they by the nature of their quest get thrown into the most hellish, messed-up situations imaginable… not to mention they have no choice because if they refuse to be jerked around… a horrible fate awaits them. [-17]