Exploring the Halls of Arden Vul: Nico WWN
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From the common classes, Nico has tried to use his knowledge and charm to climb the social ladder and make his fortune. Despite his skills, his low-class upbringing has always worked against him, leaving him frustrated and near-penniless. He decided to head to Arden Vul and find some valuable items himself to make that fortune he dreams of and force the social elites to take him seriously.
- Expert L4
- Background: Merchant
- Class Ability: Masterful Expertise (Instant action: re-roll any non-Combat skill check once per Scene. The better of the two rolls may be used.) | Quick Learner (1 extra skill point per level, for non-combat skills only)
- Languages: Archontean, +3 TBD
- Traits: Persistent yet Envious and Stubborn
- Secondary Skill: bookbinder
- Chaotic, Alignment Goal: Disrupt a prevailing order
- Personal Goal: Be accepted into a higher social order
- XP: 12
- 14 Strength (+1)
- 14 Intelligence (+1)
- 07 Wisdom (-1)
- 14 Dexterity (+1)
- 08 Constitution (+0)
- 18 Charisma (+2)
- Connect-0
- Craft-1
- Know-1
- Shoot-1
- Sneak-1
- Trade-2
- Deadeye-1 (Instant action: Ready a stowed ranged weapon, use a bow at melee range at -4, add Shoot skill level to ranged weapon damage)
- Polymath-2 (Treat all non-combat Skills as level 1 for purposes of skill checks)
- HP: 16
- System Strain: 0/8
- AC: 13 (Unarmored AC: )
- Initiative Bonus: +1
Basic Attack Bonus: +2
- Melee Attack Bonus: -1 (+1 STR, -2 no Stab skill)
- Ranged Attack Bonus: +2 (DEX and Shoot)
- Bow, large: +4, 1d8+2 dmg, 100/600 range, load arrow as On Turn action
- Dagger, thrown: +4, 1d4+2 dmg, 30/60 range
- Dagger: +1, 1d4+1 dmg, Shock 1/AC 15
- Hand Axe: +1, 1d6+1 dmg, Shock 1/AC 15
Saving Throws[edit]
- 11 Physical
- 11 Evasion
- 10 Mental
- 12 Luck
Maintenance score: 4
- A
- B
Readied (6/7):
- Buff Coat (0 enc)
- Bow, Large (2 enc)
- Quiver & Arrows x20 (1 enc)
- Dagger (1 enc)
- Hand Axe (1 enc)
- Tinder box & Torches x3 (1 enc)
Stowed (backpack, 6/14):
- Cooking utensils and 1 wk rations (5 enc)
- Waterskin (1 enc)
Stashed (where):
- V
- W
- Coinpurse: 20 sp
- Factor (which factor):
Hired Help[edit]
- X
- Y
- Z