Eyes of Aradil

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The Witch Queen of Erethor watches over the face of Eredane from her scrying chambers in the heart of the Arbor. With the war against Izrador closing in around her, even the queen's legendary powers have been taxed, and she has been forced to rely on more mundane methods to gain information. This has led to the creation or Aradil's Eyes, an elite orginization of elven trackers and spies who can go to all corners of Aradene in search of information about the Night Kings and their forces. Entry into the ranks of the Eyes is allowed only to those who have shown the utmost bravery and allegiance to Aradil; being a hero to the elves is not enough. The ranks of the Eyes have swelled in the last twenty years as it has become more and more important to keep track of the enclosing invaders. Soon even this may not be enough, as the forest itself is being turned to ash at a frightening rate.