FANGS: Advantages & Disadvantages
File:FANGS-Basic Fangs Logo (small original).gifWelcome to FANGS, the Fantasy Adventure Networked Gaming System. The goal of this roleplaying system is to offer rules that allow for fun, dramatic play without losing too much realism, simple and yet elegant rules, and balanced for different styles of players who wish to game together.
Advantages & Disadvantages[edit]
Advantages and Disadvantages are physical, emotional, or societal qualities that make your character unique. They come in many forms, and GMs can create their own.
Disadvantages provide more points to build the character with, Advantages give benefits to the character outside of Characteristics and Skills, but cost some of the character building points.
Your character may not have more than a total of four Advantages and Disadvantages (Quirks excluded). GMs who are interested in a more free-wheeling game can raise this total, of course.
This means that your character could have one Advantage and three Disadvantages, or your character could have three Advantages and one Disadvantage, or any combination of 4 Advantages and Disadvantages
Your character can also have a maximum of 5 Quirks, each a Disadvantage worth 1 point.
Note that anything larger than a 10 point Disadvantage is a major disadvantage. Thus "Sense of Duty", "Sense of Honor" and "Honesty" are more than just character quirks. For example "Honesty" means your character doesn't tell partial truths, because in his mind that is the same as a lie. He can't keep his mouth shut, because that would perpetrate the lie. He just can't live a lie, say a lie, think a lie, or perpetrate a lie with his silence. Think of the example of George Washington "I cut the cherry tree", or Jimmy Carter "I sinned in my heart".
Disadvantages and Advantages are costed in two ways. Severity (or benefit) of effect and Duration or Frequency of effect. Either function can add 0, 5, 10, or 15 points to the penalty or benefit price.
Types of Advantages & Disadvantages[edit]
Class & Money[edit]
Economic Class[edit]
This describes the problems, and advantages, of being part of a certain class. The following is generally aimed toward an ancient or medieval economy, where the vast majority are peasants of one kind or another. Some examples:
- Subservient (Slave/itinerant/untouchable): - 10
- Disdained, no starting equipment, but not being regularly beaten for his position. 5 points for the frequency in which it really interferes with his life, and 5 points for the degree. Some cultures might make this a lot worse - and worth many more points.
- Common (Peasant/Yeoman/Freeman/Peasant): + 0
- No particular benefits or problems. The basic lifestyle of the culture.
- Middle (Guildsman/Artisan/Professional): +10
- Small Salary, Guild/Union Membership, the character has some status, which is a 5 point benefit, and it can occasionally actually pay him something, worth another 5 points.
- Lower Upper (Youngest son or bastard of a Noble): +20
- One Time Grant of goods or land, Status however removed from the actual source of status. The character is generally given a bit of slack, worth 10 points, and is held in some regard, another 10 points. And he has the grant, which can be really valuable, once.
- Upper (Squire/Young Noble): +30
- Monthly Allowance, Status as one of the ruling class. This affects the character all the time, and is a very great benefit, thus the 30 point award.
Starting Funds[edit]
A character might have money from an inheritance, or finding a bandit hoard, or discovering that some noble fancies Father's old helmet. This is what the adventurer starts out with to buy the goods that help him be a better adventurer.
- None:-20
- No starting funds is going to be a major burden on the character at least until he finds his first treasure (10 points for duration, 10 for problem)
- Poor:-10
- Half the starting funds of the average adventurer, see below, is better than nothing, but the character is still starting in a hole. Nothing that can't be fixed later, but a definite slow start.
- Average:+ 0
- Normal starting funds are based on the campaign (it might not be money at all) and should be enough to get a beginning adventurer some protection and offensive weaponry and enough material goods to survive until the first treasure is attained.
- Wealthy: :+15
- Three times starting funds is a princely amount indeed, and gives the starting adventurer a big leg up. Given that it will probably all be spent on high-priced equipment it has a short duration (worth 5 benefit) but has a very high impact (worth 10 benefit).
- Rich:+30
- Five times starting funds is enough to make the adventurer wonder why he's going out to risk his life. The increase in survivability is certainly worth the benefit award.
Dependents, Enemies, Bad Reputation[edit]
Everyone has people. People who hate you, people who love you, people you have to take care of. Sometimes they, or the stories they tell, can be a major detriment to activity as an adventurer.
Dependent NPCs[edit]
The spouse, the children, the young sibling, the girlfriend with very expensive tastes, they can all be a problem. Each in their own degree, of course.
- Irregular: -5
- Occasional Drain on Funds (spendthrift lover, family at home, favorite beggar)
- Regular: -10
- Constant Drain on Funds (as above, but more frequent)
- Intemperate Friend: -15
- Lover, family member, friend who gets into danger frequently. Only -10 if capable of protecting him/herself.
Then there are the people who wish you no well at all.
- Bounty: -10
- There is a price on your head!
- Rival: -15
- Hunted by rival adventurer of same ability
- Hunted: -10 to -30
- Hunted by major unofficial power (bandit lord, etc.: -10
- Hunted by Major Power in area:-25
- Junted by Major Presence (see clerical rules): -30
Bad Reputation[edit]
- Watched: -5 to -20
- Watched by distrustful local authorities:
- Irregularly: -5
- Regularly: -10
- Watched by general populace due to bad reputation:
- Deserved:-15
- You're Innocent!:-20
- Watched by distrustful local authorities:
Patrons, Status, Good Reputation[edit]
Then again, it's always good to have friends.
- Friend or Associate who supplies occasional stuff: +5
- Merchant or Guild that supplies cut rate stuff: +15
- Local authority figure who supports PC: +25
- Presence who looks after character: +30
Note that this is not the same thing as wealth, though the two are often closely related.
- Important position (local sheriff/magister): +15
- Member of lesser nobility/authority group: +20
- Member of ruling nobility/authority group: +25
- Local ruler/authority figure: +30
Good Reputation[edit]
- From local beloved family:+10
- Local hero: +15
- Has performed deeds celebrated in song/news :+20
These are abilities that help the character in combat and other special circumstances. Many are talents or natual abilities that cannot be trained. Others can be picked up as the character goes along. Some are not available to humans except as the result of special magical blessings, or curses.
- Ambidexterity^1: +15
- Can use either hand in combat to handle particular weapons. This is NOT the same thing as two-handed combat. See below.
- Armored Skin: +10/pt
- This is unusually thick and durable skin that acts like armor against most physical traumas. Humans do not have this naturally, but some races do, though very rarely beyond 2 points worth.
- Infrared Sensing: +5
- This is the ability to perceive differences in temperature acutely enough to differentiate possible targets in absolute darkness simply by the heat they give off. Humans do not have this sense, but other species who might conceivably spawn intelligent offspring, such as reptiles, can detect these radiations. The amount of detail available through infrared radiation is limited. Except under very special circumstances it is impossible to read by infrared.
- Night Vision^1: +15
- Can see better in dark. This is an innate ability of some races. A human does not have Night Vision normally, though some magical gift might bestow the ability on a deserving human.
- Rapid Healing^1: +15
- Heals at double rate. This can be taken multiple times, though each time just adds another multiple to the rate. Buy it twice, get three times the rate. Buy in thrice, get four times the rate, etc. Generally, a human cannot have more than the basic Rapid Healing without some kind of magical intervention.
- Two Weapon Work: :+20
- Can use two weapons at once without penalty. Normal penalties for using two weapons are in the Combat section. A character can always use one weapon to attack and one to parry. This is the ability to attack twice without losing parry ability. While Ambidexterity is useful for this ability, it is not necessary.
Physical Problems[edit]
These can be a relatively benign as red-green color-blindness or a hunched back (worth 5 points each) to being bed-ridden (though that doesn't give much opportunity for adventuring). They are permanent.
- Missing Limb: -20
- Missing Eye: -10
- Near-sighted: -15
- Missing thumb and forefinger of bow drawing hand :-20
- Repulsive Looks: -5 to -20
- Hard of hearing: -5 to -20
- Deaf: :-25
- Nearly Blind: :-25
Psychological Problems[edit]
These are various psychological problems that characters may have. They are permanent.
- Addiction, minor:- 5
- May have withdrawal symptoms without (roll vs. COx2)
- Addiction, major: : -15
- May have withdrawal symptoms without (roll vs. CO)
- Bad Temper: - 5
- May attack blindly (roll vs. INx2)
- Berserk: -10
- May attack blindly (roll vs. IN)
- Cowardice: -10
- May freeze up (roll vs. IN)
- Phobia, uncommon situation: - 5
- May freeze up (roll vs. IN)
- Phobia, common situation:-10
- May freeze up (roll vs. IN)
Duties and Vows[edit]
These can be geas enforced by the Presences or just very strong attitudes a character cannot shake off for convenience sake. The numbers given can vary depending on how intense the attitudes are held/enforced.
- Chivalry:- 5
- A minor generic sort of gentility toward enemies, Defend the defenseless, etc.
- Honesty: -10 to -20
- Will not or can't tell a lie: -10
- Will not allow a lie to be told in your presence:-20
- Pacifism: -10 to -20
- Self-defense only:-10
- Will not fight at all: -20
- Sense of Duty: -15
- Will die if duty calls for it
- Sense of Honor: -10
- Will die for honor: -10
- Vow of Poverty: -20
- Gives all goods to charity
- Geas: -5 to -20
- Must fulfill conditions of geas or be Cursed:
This is the ability to use magic. Magic is defined differently in different campaigns and there could be several different forms for which these talents would have to be acquired separately. The ability to use magic may or may not have an effect on clerical magic.
- Latent Magic Talent ^1 ^2
- Could learn magic, someday: +15
- Magical Aptitude ^1 ^2 ^3
- Knowledge of magic basics: :+25
This is assuming that being a member of a particular religion is well-received the surrounding culture; tne awards could become disadvantage points if the character is a member of a suppressed religion.
- Follower:+ 5
- Lay member of a cult or church
- Initiate/Acolyte ^2: :+15
- Apprentice priest, consecrated follower of a Presence
- Acolyte/Deacon/Paladin ^2: +25
- Lay priest, consecrated follower of a Presence
- Priest ^2: +35
- Can intercede with a Presence
- Empathy, animal ^1 ^2: +10
- Sense emotions of animals (PW)
- Empathy, all ^1 ^2: +15
- Sense emotions (PW)
- Other Psychic Talents ^1 ^2: :+ 15 to +30
- See GM
Quirks and Oddities[edit]
- Any (maximum of 5): - 1
- Little oddities of behavior (such as a common catch-phrase like "Well, you know...") or small abberrations in appearance such as the way you wear your hair, you have mismatched eyes, are missing a little finger, etc.
Advantages & Disadvantages Table Notes:[edit]
- ^1 Note: These Advantages are considered tobe Talents, and cannot be learned during the course of yourcharacters life, they must already born with them to exist. Thismeans they can only be taken during character creation. However, the GMmay later bestow these advantages as a magical gift (or high techenhancement) if the game situation is appropriate.
- ^2 Note: Use of Magic and Psychic talentsare up to the GM, and may not apply to your game.
- ^3 Note: Advantage requires literacy advantage if culture is not normally literate.
Gru has already spent 75 of his character points in Characteristics, leaving 25 available.
However, Gru was created with some Disadvantages. He has a Bad Temper which can come up relatively frequently (for 10 points) because even with a INx2 roll to avoid blowing up, he has a 30% chance of not making it. This occasionally gets him in real trouble beyond just acting like an idiot (for 5 points), a total of 15. Gru is also Poor which is always the case (for 15 points) but is only a basic sort of problem (for 0 points). The GM rules further that being Poor really won't be much of a hindrance to the character in the campaign, so reduces the Severity award to 5 points.
Gru now has 20 points for character building from Disadvantages.
He also has a number of Quirks -- he hates spiders (-1 point), puts honey in his beer (-1 point), likes to gamble (-1 point), and has a scraggly beard (-1 point) and bushy eyebrows (-1 point). These disadvantages total 25 points, giving Gru 50 character points left to use.
Gru was born with some Advantages.
He has Rapid Healing, which has some benefit though nothing that can really help in combat. This is worth about 10 points for Benefit and Frequency of use.
Gru was born Middle Class. Because he was born Middle Class, he gets to choose a Craft. He chooses Smith, giving him Smith Guild membership, gets to add skill 'Craft -Iron' at a skill of +4, and a small income should he practice his trade. This is worth 5 points for Benefit and 5 for Frequency of use.
These Advantages cost 20 character points, leaving 30 points for Gru's Skill Pool, which can be used to increase Gru's skills.