FOUND at ShadowWall
As the group moves along it's way they begin to pick up and collect things of necessity and of convenience. This is a list for all things they have aquired.
Once items have been claimed by an individual they will be removed from this list. All items are considered *medium* unless noted otherwise.
- [100 man days] Non-Trail Rations
Raw Materials[edit]
- [30'] Rope (silk)
- [100'] Rope (hemp)
- [3 yds] Canvas
Finished Goods[edit]
- [5] Oil Lanterns
- Wine Skin (with Walden's Initials)
- IronBowl (2 gallon)
- [2] Fishing Nets
- [3] Backpacks (various make: leather, silk, hemp)
- [5] Wooden Barrels
- [8] nice baskets
- [2] Buckets
- [8] Winter Blankets
- [10] sets of Block and Tackle
- [101] Bottles of Elven and Gnomish wines (some really nice vintages!)
- [5 dozen] Candles
- [70'] Chain Link
- [1 small box] Chalk
- [2] large chests
- [4] small chests
- [1] Crowbar
- [1] work Hammer
- [6] Average Locks
- [2] Amazing Locks
- [1] Full Length Mirror
- [12] Tankard Mugs (clay)
- [2 gallons] Lamp Oil
- [6] Belt Pouches
- [6] Sacks
- [10 uses] Sealing Wax
- [1] Sledge
- [5 lbs] Soap
- [4] Shovels
- [2] Tents (2 person)
- [1 set] Artisan's tools, masterwork
- [1] Climbers Kit
- [1] Disguise Kit
- [1] Healers Kit
- [2] Hourglasses (one large, one pocket)
- [1] Magnifying Glass
- [2] Lutes (one is masterwork)
- [1] Merchant's Scale
- [5 sets] Artisan's Outfit (tall human male)
- [1 set] Cold Weather Outfit (tall human male)
- [10 sets] Courtier's Outfits (2 tall human male, 8 human female)
- [1 set] Elven Noble Outfit (made for tall human male)
- [12 sets] Peasant's Clothing (male and/or female)
- [4 sets] Traveler's Outfits (tall human males)
- [3 gallons] SpiderElf
- [2] Drop Sheaths (Midnight p146)
- [1 set] Harvesting Tools (Midnight p146)
- Hollow Anvil (Midnight p146)
- Daggers
- [1] Sikle
- Masterwork Morning Star
- Masterwork Heavy Crossbow (22 bolts)
- [2] Handaxes
- [3] Light Picks
- Ornate Jeweled Scimitar
- Mastercraft Great Warhammer (Dwarven Steelguard Clan)
- Masterwork Heavy Flail
- Masterwork Lance (Sarcosan Rider)
- [13] various interesting Elven made Long Bows
- Mastercraft Leather Whip
- Hide Leather Whip
- old worn Chain Shirt (+2)
- [5 sets] unfinished Splint Mail Armor
- [250 vp] Scroll Paper
- [280 vp] worth of "Drider" Blood for scroll making (28 pints)
- [1] Mastercraft Signet Ring of Sir Walden
- Masterwork Military Saddle, Heavy Warhorse
- Saddlebags
- [3 barrels] Grain, Horse Feed
- Box of Waldens Knickknacks
- Old Mule
Books, Tomes, Scrolls, and Arcane Items Found in SHADOWWALL[edit]
- Level 0 - Cure Minor Wounds (scroll) [9 copies]
- Level 2 - Disguise Ally (scroll, Midnight pg 134) [10 copies]
- Level 2 - Silver Blood (scroll, Midnight pg 137)
- Level 3 - Speak with Fell (scroll, Sorcery & Shadow pg 39)
The Grimoire of Bile by Umann-Ul (spellbook)
- Level 0
- Ghost Sound
- Read Magic
- Level 1
- Assist (Sorcery & Shadow pg 29)
- Deep Breath
- Detect Astirax (Midnight pg 134)
- Far Whisper (Midnight pg 135)
- Obscuring Mist
- Level 3
- Dispel Magic
- Tongues
- Level 4
- Remove Curse
The Cyclopædia of Vrolk the Vile (spellbook)
- Level 0
- Disrupt Undead
- Read Magic
- Touch of Fatigue
- Level 1
- Cause Fear
- Level 2
- command undead
- Decomposition
- Fell Forbiddance (Sorcery & Shadow pg 33)
- Ghoul Touch
- Ray of Weakness
- Shroud of Undeath
- Withering Speech (Sorcery & Shadow pg 39)
- Level 3
- Blood Boil (Sorcery & Shadow pg 32)
- Dispel Magic
- Halt Undead
- Tongues
- Vampiric Touch
- Level 4
- Animate Dead
- Bestow Curse
- Crushing Dispair
- Cause Critical Wounds (as cure reversed)
- Level 5
- Blight
- Nightmare
- Nexus Fuel (Midnight pg 136)
- Level 7
- Insanity
- Level 8
- Horrid Wilting
- Trap the Soul
[31] Runic Dice
This set of polyhedrons was found in the cupboard at ShadowWall. The runes seem to read notations concerning spices, herbs and health. Made of odd porous stone these dice can be put into food and in a pinch could be used as food themselves (one meal ration), beyond the spell description.
(runic record, single use, use-activated - spell: as Stone Soup - Midnight pg 138)
Echo's Splinter (wooden staff)
Found chain locked in a crate in the attic of ShadowWall, within a silk slipcase fitted bag... This impossibly hard wood staff is some 4" is diameter and a full 6.5' long. It is nearly straight with a slight crook in the top 1' of the staff. It weighs approximately 25lbs. The staff holds a series of runes on it, etched into the wood by dark magic and fire - as if burned into the wood against it's will. While the runes can be felt and seen slightly - only pathwalkers can deepen the scares enough to read and use... (runic record; multiple use, energy-activated)
The spells Kyuad are able to make out at this point are:
- Level 0
- Arcane Mark
- Dancing Lights
- Detect Magic
- Read Magic
- Level 1
- Detect Secret Doors
- Shield
- Unseen Servant
- Level 2
- Continual Flame
- Knock
- Shatter
- History of Herbs, by Yszer Oralum (Erenlander)
- The Darkfast Curses of Kazak-Dur (Norther)
- The Life of Belela Maranmir the III, by Olafper Damarpad (Colonial)
- The Codex on the Dworg Culture, by Buzarthak the Grey (Old Dwarven)
- History of Horseback Warfare (Colonial)
- The Life of Hadraped Venla the Unwashed, by Selcir of Kyràthé (Erenlander)
- Lexicon on Sewing, by Porcho (Traders Togue)
- Travels of Sayela Alorplen (Colonial)
- History of Warfare, by General Kamael (Courtier)
- The Life of Larpon the Great, by Dammar (Trader's Tongue)
- The Compendium on Time - the life of Aryth, by Vrolk (Colonial)
- The Life of Crisran of Záyírà (Danisil)
- The Compendium of Northern March Blood Temples, by Care the Grey (Norther)
- Tome of Southern Cults (Norther)
- Tales on Brewing (the nicest of the tomes with a lock) (Old Dwarven)
- Journeys of Futhaatr the IV (Norther)
- The Tome on the Sundering (High Elven)
- The Grimoire of Illusionism, by Monibald the Younger (Trader's Tongue)
- History of the Sarcosan, by Saypad Cormer the Learned (Coutier)
- The Life of Ysusara Hesfor, by Ysus the Magnificent (Colonial)
- Tarassar of Kyràthé's Tome on Astrology (Colonial)
- Writings on Dancing, by Tarasdua Venlum the III (Danisil)
- The Life of Werurr Hagallor, by Kyraplen the Learned (Halfling)
- Tales of Artifacts and Relics, 1st Age (High Elven)
- Theory of Ancient Empires from Across the Sea (Norther)
- Cyclopædia on Erotic Poetry (Orc)