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Main stuff[edit]

Skill Pyramid[edit]

+5: Engineering
+4: Resources, Science
+3: Resolve, Drive, Raport
+2: Investigation, Leadership, Academics, Pilot
+1: Guns, Weapons, Empathy, Contacting, Art


Universal Gadget[edit]


Headquarters - Extensive Security[edit]

Scientific Genius - Physics[edit]

Theory in Practice[edit]


Engineering Prodigy
Explosive Troublemaker
Catchphrase "That was an unexpected result"
Putting in Long Hours
Haunted (death of mentor due to someone trying to steal one of my weapon designs)
Personal Cooler (solar-powered fan device, designed for desert travel)


Early Life[edit]

My father was a simple mechanic. I grew up in his garage, working on engines mostly. It quickly became apparent that I had a knack for mechanics.At the age of 7, build my first steam engine from scratch. By the age of 10, I had created a small explosive device, doing no serious damage except to the neighbors cat, whose tail got caught in the blast. I quickly learned the concepts behind shaped charges, and was paid handsomely by a local demolition company to help them with their explosives.

The Great War[edit]

Early on, worked with father to help build trucks for the war. Two months in, I completed plans for an amphibious hovercraft. I was "asked" by the government to join a top-secret research team to develop new weapons. Everyone else on the team was three time my age. Nothing we designed was ever actually put into production. It was there that I went from a purely mechanical background to gaining a full understanding of electricity, and the many ways it could be put to use. Towards the end of the war, I began design of a death ray based on the principles of electrically-generated light and high-powered lenses.


Eugene Wrenchley and The Gadget to Remember![edit]

When his young friend is killed by an international criminal organization out to steal the plans for his death ray, Eugene gives up designing weapons, and dedicates his life to creating tools to improve human life, starting with the inventions he needs to track down and destroy the plans to his death ray. From clearing the dense jungles of the amazon, to cooling himself for a long treck through the desert, Eugene has a gadget for any job... but will it be enough?