Fantasy City Project:Location Building

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Basics of Location Building[edit]

Each location should have the following:

  • Name
  • Which district it is in (See below)
  • Description
  • NPC's with stats (please use both d20 and Prose Descriptive Qualities [1], the first because d20 fantasy is so common and the second to make it easy to create character and convert them to other systems)
  • Adventure Seeds

Please make the new page follow this naming procedure: "Fantasy City Project:District:Location"

A good idea is to tie your location in with the bigger picture. Look at other areas- how does your location/NPC toe in with things going on elsewhere in the city? Does he have contacts with an NPC described elsewhere?

Transient NPCs[edit]

These should be added to the district as people who frequent the area, but do not have a set location. Homeless, traders who come from a far every so often to barter, etc.