Far Scout

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Details on this particular ship[edit]

Conan-class deep space trader, from the old Atlantis Shipyards.

The interior has suffered from its long immersion. All the structural components are pristine, apparently immune to any type of corrosion. However, the livable spaces and many other disposable parts are sadly unusable. Still, the ship could be returned to working order with effort. It has survived the ages in far better condition than anything made today would have.

  • The frame of the vessel is seamless and made of some advanced alloy that you aren't familiar with. The actual material is pretech science. It thankfully requires no maintenance or repair, because you aren't even sure HOW you would cut it, or put it back together if it were damaged.
  • Many of the internal workings have been removed. The ship has no stores, and the spike drive has been ripped out. A number of other systems are in grave disrepair. However, there is nothing broken that you could not fix with time, work, and currently-available components.
  • The living areas are wrecked. New upholstery and other amenities will be necessary.
  • The engines on this vessel are mindblowing. Despite having more capacity than any frigate you've ever heard of, it's going to handle like a fighter, and have ECM/ECCM of the same quality.
  • It has a number of totally integral components.
  • There's some kind of laser cannon on it that is more advanced than anything you've ever seen. It's pretech hardware, unquestionably.
  • The hull has stealth plating, and obviously the ship has an atmospheric configuration.
  • The navigation system is what you would call "stunningly" advanced. You aren't sure if it's actually using exotic matter, but you're unsure if you want to tinker with it. It may be using totally conventional components, but it's far and away the most advanced system you've ever even heard of. In fact, no one who was not a master astrogater would be able to make use of it. It tracks metadimensional geography in ways that are probably a century beyond state of the art military hardware.
  • This ship is going to be what you might call high-maintenance. It requires a crew of enormous skill to operate correctly, although in return you will get performance beyond anything available.
  • It's going to be somewhat expensive to keep in the air, even once you get it up in the air again.
  • The staterooms and common living areas, despite their total state of disrepair, are obviously intended to be comparatively luxurious. Military frigates are tightly packed like old submarines. Free Merchants are a little better. This is something else. There are actual cabins, with full-sized beds. The common areas have every amenity. Essentially, every non-essential system is built to be more graceful, efficient, comfortable, and powerful than what you're used to.
  • It has a quantum tap backup power generator. This is ancient tech. It basically produces small amounts of free energy from nowhere, indefinitely. It's enough to charge up a few capacitors and run the interior lights, although you wouldn't want to try running life support from it, and using even the grav drives would be out of the question. But, it can charge Type A power cells, Type B if you give it long enough, and it's enough to charge the coils and try to get the fusion plant running, if it's in working order (although it might take a few hours between attempts.)

Stuff that you need:

  • This thing has no stores and no spike drive. I'm going to say that this adds 100k to the cost of whatever drive system you install (So I guess if you installed a Drive-1, then it would cost 100k, since normally that's free with the ship, and require installation time/costs as though it required 2 mass and 2 power, see below. Otherwise, ADD that to any spike drive you install).
  • You need to buy the equivalent of extended stores for it to have stores at all. You can also drag out here whatever else you want.
  • In addition to the basic refurbishment necessary, every fitting will require 20 tons of cargo space for each point of free mass it requires, or five tons if it requires no free mass.

Basic refurbishment of this is going to require:

  • You need to charge it up with hydrogen fuel.
  • Cleaning it out is going to require a shit-ton of cleaning supplies and tools, and about 500 man-hours of work. This will get the mussels out of the circuitboards and shit. Much of it is unskilled labor, some of it requires computer, tech/postech, astronautic, or medical of at least 0. Fortunately, the pretech components look to be intact.
  • You will then need to actually install everything. Assume basic refurbishment will cost 50k. You could totally spend more if you want it to be extra luxurious.
  • Every component you install will require 40 man-hours of work per free mass it requires plus 20 man-hours of work per point of power it requires.

Far Scout specs[edit]

This is mechanically a Far Scout from the Scavenger Fleets book. It's a free download. For those of you who don't want to download it right now:

  • Cost: 17m
  • Speed: 5
  • Armor: 5
  • HP: 40
  • Crew: 3/12
  • AC: 4
  • Power: 0/15
  • Free Mass: 6/20
  • Hardpoints: 3

Integral Modules Are part of the hull. They can't be added or removed, but they cost no mass or power.

  • Fuel Bunkers x2
  • Fuel Scoops
  • Scavver Navigation Suite (this thing is pure fucking cheese. I started a thread on how it is actually supposed to work. You can read it here. Good thing that Stargazer bought Navigation up to 3. You can't even try to use it with fewer skill ranks.

Modules that happen to be installed are still left over. Everything else has been gutted out. Including a few things that you really shouldn't take out, like the stores and spike drives. The power plant, grav drives, and other essentials I didn't mention are still in there, of course. It isn't just a skeleton.

Modules previously installed

  • Atmospheric Configuration (2 mass)
  • Emissions Dampers (2 power, 2 mass). Somebody ask on the G+ group whether to use the difficulty bonus/penalty from the chart or the text; the two differ.
  • A Polyspectral MES Beam (5 Power, 1 Mass). This is a pretech weapons system, you couldn't buy one even if you had the two million credits.

Modules added by us

  • Spike-3 Drive (4 power, 4 mass)
  • Survey Sensor Array (2 power, 1 mass)
  • Extensive Armory
  • Ship's Locker
  • Fuel Bunkers x3 (x5 total) (0 power, 3 mass)
  • Extended Stores (0 power, 2 mass)
  • Science Lab (2 power, 1 mass)
  • Pressurized cargo space, 80 tons (0 power, 4 mass), 5 of which are taken up with the Happy Accident

Total Used: 15 power, 16 mass.