Fate of the Serpentine: Malkin Coinfound

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High Concept: Disillusioned Former Sentinel Of The City Guard
Trouble: Chafes Against The Rich and Church
Aspect: Spymaster of Ghosts
Aspect: Mystically Aware Private Detective
Aspect: Not A Sorcerer, But Plays One
Player: Leliel

If you want a good image of Malkin, imagine a tattered-looking orange tabby with a perpetually grumpy expression regardless of actual mood in a second-hand Sentinel uniform, and make that cat a human. Even beyond what people sometimes affectionately call his "sleeping silent glare", Malkin is a very tired man. He's tired of the City Watch, tired of the hypocrisies of the Church of Denari, and above all else, tired of how his Second Sight can't shut up. He doesn't even really dislike ghosts, it's just that they are around to remind him constantly of the ways Eversink does not work, and he's the first to admit his never-ending quest for some kind of justice is a coping mechanism for all the crap he sees every day - able to convince himself that he's at least not net contributing. That being said, his standards are honest - it's why he's working for the lower districts now, working for just enough pay to maintain an existence that isn't impoverished, instead of going through the motions of a Sentinel that no longer believes in himself or his mission. And in fact, the very public falling out helps sell the talent he honed as a sometime-inquisitor; his expertise with talking with the dead makes him something that people have nicknamed a necromancer, and too many criminal organizations are ready to hire someone who seems like he was kicked out and hates the concept of Denari herself (because of his vociferous hatred of her Church) for the "real" reason of being a sorcerer who is too afraid of losing himself to really get into the full power of Corruption. And since the people who hire sorcerers tend to expect them to be selfish and treacherous...


+4 Investigate
+3 Notice Lore
+2 Empathy Deceive Will
+1 Resources Rapport Fighting Athletics


Physical [1][2][3][4]

Mental [1][2][3]


Dead Assets: +2 bonus to reveal or create an Aspect using Lore to converse with local ghosts and develop intelligence on the situation.

Friend of the Lowly: Spend a Fate Point to succeed a Rapport roll based around a good reputation as an honest friend of the lower classes.

Juggler In Magician's Clothing: +2 to Deceive rolls based around disguising his Spirit Sight as sorcery or seeming like one to integrate himself with sorcerers.