Filah Hive

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FILAH (real name is umpronuncable to most species. It is a very complicate wind-like whisper)

Belligerence 2

Opportunism 4

Reason 4

Spirituality 2

(these numbers refers to real sentients, not the drones)

The Filah are seen as your sterotipical "hivemind" bug races, alien, cold and a little communist-like. But that's very far from truth: they're a totally pyramidal eusocial species, where the fertile caste have the only real sentient individuals, that use the lesser drones (at least 3 degrees of power/intelligence. The most evolute but not sentient may have the brains of a dog) for every kind of jobs. Sentient individuals have an incredibile memory, and they give these informations to drones for making their jobs - if they had a jaw, they would laugh at the "hivemind" legend, as they know very well the long "reprogram" sessions of their drones. It's perhaps the very few number of intelligent individuals that have made the race so little war-like in their homeplanets - they just can't have a real army, only a rapine flux of drones. They mostly prefere scheming in their nests, and because most nests support more than one individual (10-100 intelligent individuals perhaps) they have an incredibile histroy of cunning and backstabbing, even if it's less violent, usually, of other species' backstabbing: the goal is more to subvert the production of the hive, or the hives, they live in, and make the individual himself the gratest "dronemaster" (wich is something akin to religion and cult of personality, sometimes) than other things. They openly discuss that, their morality is at the same time more free and less violent than others' sentients. And they don't particulary like the chaos of othe r sentients, even if they recognise that the ennui that plagues themselves so much (little social environment) aren't so great in others.