Fin Fang Foom
Fin Fang Foom (PL 17)
Init +2; Defense 18 (16 flat-footed); Spd 50ft/60ft. (full size). Flight 50ft;/60ft. (full size); Atk +11 melee (+18L claw [increases to +22 at full size]) or Atk +8 ranged (+10L/ Range 50ft cone/ Crit 20 Energy Blast-Chemical); SV Dmg +7 [Protection +8 (Protection +12 at full size)], Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +7; VP: 10; Str 20, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 13, Wis 20, Cha 14. [71]
Skills: Intimidate +7/+26*, Listen +10, Pilot +7, Search +6, Sense Motive +20, Spot +10, Taunt +7 [35]
Feats: All-Out-Attack, Durability, Extra Limbs (tail), Great Fortitude, Indomitable Willpower, Iron Will, Move-By-Attack, Power Attack, Startle, Surprise Strike, Toughness [22]
Powers: Energy Blast-Chemical +10 [Extras: Scatter; Flaws: Dispersed; Source: Alien; Cost: 2pp; Total: 20pp], Flight +6 [Extras: Innate; Flaws: Restricted-Wings; Source: Alien; Cost: 2 pp; Total: 12 pp], Growth +8 [Extras: Continuous, Innate; Flaws: Permanent; Source: Alien; Cost: 6 pp; Total: 48 pp], Growth +4 [Source: Alien; Cost: 5 pp; Total: 20 pp], Natural Weaponry-Claws +5 [Extras: Innate; Source: Alien; Cost: 3 pp; Total: 15 pp], Regeneration +10 [Extras: Resurrection; Flaws: Resurrection Only, Uncontrollable; Source: Alien; Cost: 1 pp; Total: 10 pp], Telepathy +10 [Extras: Mind Control; Power Stunts: Detect Lies (adds rank to Sense Motive and is immune to bluff attempts); Flaws: Gaze; Source: Alien; Cost: 2 pp; Total 22 pp] [147]
Weaknesses: Disturbing Vulnerable (Various Herbs, Poisons, and Potions) [-20]