Fiona and Rahrall

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LG Half Celestial Cleric 2, CE Lillin Blackguard 2

Personality: Fiona and Rahrall are pretty much opposite ends of the spectrum but still file under the area of "adorable" in their own unique ways. Fiona's naivety, purity and good nature make her cute in the purist sense of the form. A kiss from her can quell the anger of an army of evil ingrates. Rahrall on the other hand is evil, however there's no denying that seeing a tyke the size of a grade schooler trying to pull of normally reprehensible acts, especially when he seems to be taking himself so seriously, is downright d'aaaawww worthy.

Background: Ones an angel. The others a demon. Now they have to convince a guy who holds the balance of the world in his hands to work for one of them! It's Fiona and Raharall! Get a dose of wacky hijinks every Saturday at five PM western.

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